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Jewfish in Sydney


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Hi All,

I'm planning on targeting the mighty Jewfish in sydney (close to the CBD).

Not sure if it's possible but I really want to go on a couple week nights for a few hours after work.

Can you please recommend a good location not too far from the city, bait and any other details or tips that you have.

I'll be happy if I catch anything to be honest but my target is the Jew.

I love fishing but I'm not very pro yet, so any help is greatly appreciated.


Kind Regards,


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A few guys from work always go to Dawes Point and I think it's Pier 2 that they fish. They fish right at the end of the Pier for Jewfish and they have caught a fair few recently.

Live yellowtail off the bottom is the preferred bait.

Good luck

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Keep it simple.

Structure is very important. Especially considering your landbased. Things like bridge pylons, deep rockwalls and jetties are what you should focus on landbased. If you match structure, to a decent hole/drop off with plenty of bait then you're in with a great shot.

Fish your bait on the bottom and keep your rig simple. A simple running ball sinker to a swivel, then a meter of trace to the hook is the most common. I've also had success on just a running ball sinker straight to the hook..

Livebaits are the best option, especially if you want to avoid pickers.

Cheers, Tom

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