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Lake Macquarie in march


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Hey raiders,

My fishing club is doing a weekend away in march to Swansea, and honestly I've got no clue on the area.. That time if year what should I be targeting in the lake? What's some general area info I've got GPS marks for outside drifting but nothing for inside the lake, I know there are some locals on here so any info would be good ill be fishing from my boat anything would really help

We will be staying in the caravan park near coin island

Edited by brettmann
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Hi Brentman,

Most clubs that come up to the lake at this time of the year mainly seem to target Flathead, fishing the Swansea Channel on the run out tides using live poddy mullet or soft plastics. The live poddy mullet can be caught in most locations including at the rear of the caravan park you are staying at or along the sandy stretches of the channel such as directly opposite the boat ramp wich is just outside the front of the caravan park you are staying at. The Flathead caught in the channel at this time of the year can be very large females who have just spawned they are normally very agressive in hunger as such please consider any you take as they can be the mothers of our future fish stocks. The channel is varied in depth and current flow from nil to very fast with the bottom ranging from sand to weed with a couple of rocky areas thrown in. Caution is required if you have not fished the area before or you may find yourself sitting high on one of the many shallows. Other species of fish can be caught through out the lake and chanell but in this lake it can mean moving regulary to find fish not waithing for fish to find you.The dropover where the channel meets the lake can be productive.

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West side of Pulbah Island, mouth of Dora Creek, around moorings within the lake like Summerland Pt, water outlet at Eraring, the list goes on. As i've always said about this lake, think outside the square and you may be surprised, fish in this lake move around a lot and usual spots sometimes have nothing. You can get anything from bream, flathead, jewfish, pelagics and good sized sharks like bulls and hammerheads.

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