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Harbour flick


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Had a spare few minites while out with relos went for a quick flick in the husle n busle of the harbour found a bait ball that was getting worked by small tailor and had a few bream sitting on the edges pulled a few alrite bream before i got sick of the tailor chopping my lures so moved to a rock wall a few more casts and im on to what feels like a big bag but pullingpost-7848-136142590069_thumb.jpg

Big jacket pops up first for me on a softie put it back then time was up good fun fishings been good

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I wouldn't have put it back!

I used to target big fanbelly jackets in the harbour from Autumn

through the winter & into spring.

A challenge to hook them in numbers, great fun on a light handline &

right up there as one of my favourite eating fish.

Ahh the memories are flooding back!



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