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Cant seem to find any decent fish!

Guest mike2153

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Guest mike2153

Hey guys,

I live in Sydney and like to fish the northern beaches, central coast, middle harbour, really where ever the fish are ill go.

Buy I cant seem to catch anything decent, all I catch is flathead and bream, baby snappers that sort of thing.

Ive tried a variety of lures, baits, techniques, I use all good gear with high quality lines and leaders, I fish out of a kayak so I can get around on the water to where I want to be but cant seem to get anything!

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find some pelagics, ive done the whole looking around everywhere, through middle harbour etc for birds or splashing but cant find any signs of anything at all.

Even somewhere I could find some jew fish, salmon, tailor, kings, bonito anything! Anything I that just gives me a good fight. Im after techniques, tackle, set-ups, location etc.

Thanks guys!

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Hi Mike,

I'm fairly new to the forum and probably not the most experienced guy when it comes to giving gold advice...but one thing I have learned from reading these forums is that if you target ONE species and keep targeting it until you get success you will learn a ton on your own on the way.

I wanted to target Drummer so I spent weeks and weeks fishing the same area and learning a lot about fishing techniques for that fish only, and reading about and asking about only Drummer.

Good luck with it mate - sorry I couldn't help more specifically.

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I'll give you a helpful hint mate.

Dusk off Balmoral, with tiny plastics (i mean tiny 30-40mm) and you'll get into the frigates and bonnies. They've been there every day on dusk that i've been around. Biggest frigate going 68 so good size!

Cheers, Tom

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