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chasing ocean blackies


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The DFC were out chasing blackies again today this time on the eastern sydney rock ledgers

First location arrived about an hour before full tide,it was a little dicey so we sat and watched the swell for around 1/2 hr before approaching the ledge.

The swell was very inconsistent and in the next two hours only produced 1 fish.

Then within a 5 min period we had two guys up ended with yours truely one of them,you can never underestimate the power of water.Well that was it we were out of there with myself nursing a nasty gash to the shin.

Travelled to the second location where things werent much better but after a lot of observing decided to approach the ledge with extreme caution.

There was a hard noreaster blowing as well as quite a big swell so conditions were rather difficult but with a falling tide was fishable.

The upside of things there were plenty of fish, over the next 2 hrs there were 30 odd fish landed.

Royce was back big time landing atleast a dozen and the smile was back.

Trev and paul were consistantly landing fish with reg chipping in aswell.

That left rory and myself facing donuts the pressure was on big time as we were consistantly reminded about the donut rule,

At the end of the day we were all happy as the dredded donut rule didnt come into play when rory and myself finished in a flurry landing a few fish each.

Another great day out with the boys as well as learning a valueble lesson,NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF WATER.


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Guest hawkesbass

It was a dificult start to the day but the early arvo turned it on nicely with some nice fish landed dont enjoy next weekend too much he he

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Guest hawkesbass

Yes the doughnut rule was about to be enforced for the first time untill the last half hour saved you and john

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I was up at 7 at my favorite ledge on Sunday.

Watched it for 30 minutes while keeping an eye on the crazy asian guys fishing further up. Seriously thought they were going for a swim. My mate had been there since 4:30am and have a couple of tailor. he saw some birds as he was walking home and decided to put his gear on a mid height ledge about 30 meters back from the water. I was standing a good 3 meters up on a high ledge 30 meters back from the water when a big wave came. I yelled out to everyone to get the F*&^ back. My mates gear was all taken for a swim, he lost his fish and all his gear bar his 2 rods and his life. I have no idea how he and the korean guy didn't end up in the drink. The water was so powerful it crashed on the rock below me 3 meters down and still managed to wet me.

Straight back to the car, back home to swap rods for my board and went for a surf instead.

To those Asian guys if you are on this site please pull your heads in and save us all the stress when we watch you fish in conditions you should not be out in. I was reluctant to leave because you idiots were covered top to toe in thick gear with big boots on fishing in a dangerous swell and high tide. I thought if I left your life line would leave with me. PEOPLE DIE ROCK FISHING THAT COULD BE YOU!!!

That goes for every race by the way

Edited by Cobba12
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