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Shimano Saros FA


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Don't have a Saros but have played with them recently in my local tackle shop when I was looking for a 2500 sized reel. Got to compared it to the Symmetre, Stradic FJ, Stradic Ci4 and Sustain FG. In terms of smoothness it was difficult to pick them apart. Think the main difference though between the Saros and the Stradic is the body material which is this new XGT7 graphite (vs aluminium for the Stradic FJ although the rotor and the sideplate are graphite as well) and the Saros drag is not waterproof. The Saros was also a little heavier (about 20g in the 2500 size) so it depends how important that is to you. Personally, I would prefer the Stradic FJ as I got one of the 5000 size when they first came out and it's been faultless and probably the smoothest reel I've ever owned (and still as smooth today 18mths on). Further, although not critical, I will always prefer to have a lighter reel if possible, for the same level of performance. Question is whether those minor differences are worth the extra money to you, as I'm pretty sure fishing performance wise, there is very little difference between them. For what it's worth, the sales person at the tackle store did say he recently bought the Saros himself instead of a Stradic Ci4 (which he was initially going to buy) because he felt it was better value given the minor differences.

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