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The Entrance on the weekend


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Hi Raiders

Well what a great weekend, no rain, plenty of sunshine and great fishing.

The reports on the flathead from my local fishing buddies is still very hit and miss, like 6 on Friday, 9 on Saturday and nothing Sunday.

So just when you think you have them all worked out with tides ect it all changes the next day.

Still the best place is Eastern side of the bridge and early, most fish were caught at sun rise, all over by 9am.

I thought I'd start my Luderick season this weekend, weed has been very hard to find due to all the fresh water. ( wire weed that is )

After tramping through mud, Throwing hooks in dams, driving from one end of the coast to another, I finally found some fair quality wire weed which had just started to grow.

Got the bait now lets find the fish. You can nearly always catch Blackfish down the front all year round in the run but I prefer the wall which is more comfortable, but it is a different set up and they're not there all the time.

But I did manage a few, 4 on Saturday 8 on Sunday Land based say 3 hour session, run in tide clean water the best time.


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