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Tough Trolling Sydney...

Scent Blazer Lures

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As the fishing has been ordinary to say the least the weather has been playing ball so the scent blazer crew got together and headed out in the search of a marlin or anything that would take a lure! The past few trips had seen us work the northern grounds for zeros, so after looking at the charts we decided to head south and work the southern grounds.


Sydney Storm Building out at sea

The plan was to run out to the Botany Wide FAD than out to the plonk hole, work that area whilst looking for bait and anything fishy then head north to the 12 mile and see if we could raise a striped marlin...

After picking up the crew remainder of the Scent Blazer Crew we cruised up the harbour where we picked a light spread of Scent Blazer Nano's and Smalls in sardine, mackerel and purple frigate patterns in slant heads and pushers then we loaded them with pilchards, mackerel and yellowtail, as the weather turned for the worse with some of the darkest clouds I've seen roll over the harbour we added LED and glow sticks to our lures to make the lures more visible.


Heading for the eye of the storm...


Just loaded this small Evil slant head Scent Blazer with fresh Slimy Mackerel.

On our way to the FAD the water changed from pea soup green to clean, clear and electric blue! With the dark clouds getting darker and heavier we continued south until the weather caught up to us, and boy it caught us, visibility was down to the bow sprit! We couldn't see the buoy until we were basically on top of it. The first pass resulted in a hook up that lasted a few seconds before the hook pulled, as we passed it a second time all we could see were mini dollies jumping around the lures.


Perfect conditions to be fishing the FAD's, pity about the lack of fish!!

We headed towards the plonk hole where we found bait, a current break and 23.6 degrees but no predatory fish! Where are all the fish?? After working the area for some time we didn't sound or see a fish so he headed into 80 fathoms and headed north.


How good is this!! Four lures cleanly in shot, these troll pro housings are excellent!!

Soon after we came across a current line with a slight temperature break but visually it was very distinct with no current and heaps of bait on the inside and the outside had 0.5 knots of current pushing south. We worked the current line north past the 12 mile and up to long reef wide where we decided to turn on the current and work the current line south back to the Botany Wide FAD...

On our way we came across heaps of bait and the odd micro dolphin fish but still no joy... Once we reach the FAD we did a few passes but they still weren't interested so we dropped a few baits to see what was below and soon after we hooked up what we thought was a dollie but to our surprise we hooked an unknown fish, any ideas?


Looks like a kingfish with the tail scoots like a tuna? any ideas?

Looks like a pelagic but I've never seen one? Who can ID it?

After not being able to tempt a dollie we picked up again and trolled towards Sydney for zeros until the darkness came over us... It seems as though this is how our season is going to be! All we can do is continue to get out and search the sea...


The Conditions made up for the lack of fish... nothing like flat seas, a beautiful sunset and good mates!

Not sure how Scent Blazer Lures Work? Well check out this video and see how Scent Blazers can improve your fishing!!

Get your tuna lures ready!! I hear they are spotting record numbers off portland, Vic. wont be long before they make their way up the coast!!


Get your Tuna Pack for the fishraider.com.au price of $149.99 and receive a free 12'' Mackerel Teaser!!


Tight Lines


Scent Blazer Crew


Edited by Scent Blazer Lures
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It is a Juvenile almaco jack. In the seriola family. They always turn up at the sydney fads in late summer through to autumn.

I have caught them in different sizes and the real small ones are always stripy like that. I have also swum with them at the fads and they look

a golden colour when small. If you have a snorkel and mask on board it always good to have a quick look around the fads......

Its amazing to watch dollies hit live baits too.

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Just had another closer look at the pic after reading the reply from R_Zee. And .................

I think it may just be a juvenile amberjack. But without a good picture clearly showing fins etc it is hard to tell.

Either way they are a common sight around FADS and floating objects.

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