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Had laser eye surgery, but was still keen for a fish

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I had laser eye surgery done on yesterday morning, doc gave me some Valium, was knocked out when I got home. My cousins gives me a bell at 3pm, "lets go fishing, and take my new boat!" I was waiting for this day for like a year, I just couldn't resist! He bought a big boat, definitely 5-6 metres.

We headed to port hacking around the heads (furtherest I been since I have a 4m tinnie), got there at 4:30pm. Long story shot, we got about 12 tailor and 2 rock cods in about 2 hours.

Rigg was used was 2 ganged hooks with a swivel inbetween, small running sinker and a pillies cube on the end hook, to avoid the tailor from busting our lines, which happened numerous times.

Since my cuz was the pro caught 90% of the fish, he gave me 3, woo hoo hehe

thanks for reading!

They were all 35cm


Preping them for a BBQ, salt, pepper and lemon


Edited by The Incredible Hull
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