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With all this beautiful weather lately, I knew I had to get out there and with very little swell it gave me the opportunity

to get out the heads. I purchased a downrigger last year and have yet to use it. So I was keen to see, how one guy in a tinnie with a downrigger and live bait was going to work.

Went to my usual bait spot and as usual they were there in large numbers. two minutes in a very large bream grabbed the hook intended for the yakka and nearly took my finger off. Bent the hook right back. I knew it was going to be a good day. Armed with about 15 yakkas, I headed off around Rose Bay to check if the downrigger was all working and how I would go - single handedly. I usually have the luxury of being in my mate Chewys boat and many hands make light work.

Out the heads and turned left.First yakka got hit 10 minutes in , but no hookup. Considered swapping my circle hooks but persevered. Saw lots of activity on my ray marine sounder, big fish. But no luck. Started kicking myself for not targetting squid but just kept skirting along the cliffs in about 30 ft of water. Once again saw 4 large shapes at about 20ft in the water column and as I looked at the rod. I saw the line clip out of the downrigger and the reel began to scream. Moment of panic.... Do I pull the downrigger up?, no Drive out a bit , get his head up. Motored out about 50 meters, pulled up the downrigger and then played the fish. Hadnt considered how I was going to net him, whilst trying to stop my tiller steeer going around in circles. Grabbed my Frabill net which for some reason wouldn't pop out. needed two hands! Had to step on the rod, quickly flip the hiber net out and land this king. I could feel he was a keeper. I saw colour and eventually he came aboard flapping around. He measured in at 67cm. Not the bigggest but he was a keeper. The boat was strewn with crap everywhere to which the King made things worse. Tried for another hour with no luck, but as I came back in the heads I saw some surface action. I flicked a small minnow and bang I was on. A little frigate makeral who gladly fell off by the side of the boat. Saw some fairy penguins out there too. very close to boat, 1o metres away in broad daylight.

With a few yakkas left I decided to try my luck for some flatties. With all this warm weather I assumed they would be lazing around in the shallows. Dropped my live bait over the side and the whole boat was surrounded by yakkas and small garfish. Within 2 minutes I saw my rod bending and at first I thought it was the live bait trying to join his mates, but Oh no

grabbed the rod and felt quite a bit of resistance but not a massive fight on 6lb line, but was pleasantly surprized to pull in this John Dory. Two minutes later with another yakka on, my small Penn reel screamed as line got taken at a great rate of knots. I was sure it was a dencent flattie as he headed straight towards the anchor line to which i had to pass the whole rod around twice to untangle him. I could feel head shakes but this was no Flattie it was a Salmon. Didnt do the usual jumps

but fought like crazy. The salmon were terrorizing the bait fish who were using my boat as cover. Could have scoop netted them......If that was legal !

Returned home to a great feed of kingfish and John Dory.

One thing I have noticed and it seems to work for me is,fish on a rising tide when your atleast a couple of days away from a full moon. Never had much luck on a full moon and when the top of the tide is about 11.30 am. I have all ways consistently caught fish. keen to hear from other guys in regards to this. Anyway if you get the chance, get out while the beautiful

weather is till around.

Andre ( dredog)




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With all this beautiful weather lately, I knew I had to get out there and with very little swell it gave me the opportunity

to get out the heads. I purchased a downrigger last year and have yet to use it. So I was keen to see, how one guy in a tinnie with a downrigger and live bait was going to work.

Went to my usual bait spot and as usual they were there in large numbers. two minutes in a very large bream grabbed the hook intended for the yakka and nearly took my finger off. Bent the hook right back. I knew it was going to be a good day. Armed with about 15 yakkas, I headed off around Rose Bay to check if the downrigger was all working and how I would go - single handedly. I usually have the luxury of being in my mate Chewys boat and many hands make light work.

Out the heads and turned left.First yakka got hit 10 minutes in , but no hookup. Considered swapping my circle hooks but persevered. Saw lots of activity on my ray marine sounder, big fish. But no luck. Started kicking myself for not targetting squid but just kept skirting along the cliffs in about 30 ft of water. Once again saw 4 large shapes at about 20ft in the water column and as I looked at the rod. I saw the line clip out of the downrigger and the reel began to scream. Moment of panic.... Do I pull the downrigger up?, no Drive out a bit , get his head up. Motored out about 50 meters, pulled up the downrigger and then played the fish. Hadnt considered how I was going to net him, whilst trying to stop my tiller steeer going around in circles. Grabbed my Frabill net which for some reason wouldn't pop out. needed two hands! Had to step on the rod, quickly flip the hiber net out and land this king. I could feel he was a keeper. I saw colour and eventually he came aboard flapping around. He measured in at 67cm. Not the bigggest but he was a keeper. The boat was strewn with crap everywhere to which the King made things worse. Tried for another hour with no luck, but as I came back in the heads I saw some surface action. I flicked a small minnow and bang I was on. A little frigate makeral who gladly fell off by the side of the boat. Saw some fairy penguins out there too. very close to boat, 1o metres away in broad daylight.

With a few yakkas left I decided to try my luck for some flatties. With all this warm weather I assumed they would be lazing around in the shallows. Dropped my live bait over the side and the whole boat was surrounded by yakkas and small garfish. Within 2 minutes I saw my rod bending and at first I thought it was the live bait trying to join his mates, but Oh no

grabbed the rod and felt quite a bit of resistance but not a massive fight on 6lb line, but was pleasantly surprized to pull in this John Dory. Two minutes later with another yakka on, my small Penn reel screamed as line got taken at a great rate of knots. I was sure it was a dencent flattie as he headed straight towards the anchor line to which i had to pass the whole rod around twice to untangle him. I could feel head shakes but this was no Flattie it was a Salmon. Didnt do the usual jumps

but fought like crazy. The salmon were terrorizing the bait fish who were using my boat as cover. Could have scoop netted them......If that was legal !

Returned home to a great feed of kingfish and John Dory.

One thing I have noticed and it seems to work for me is,fish on a rising tide when your atleast a couple of days away from a full moon. Never had much luck on a full moon and when the top of the tide is about 11.30 am. I have all ways consistently caught fish. keen to hear from other guys in regards to this. Anyway if you get the chance, get out while the beautiful

weather is till around.

Andre ( dredog)


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Well done mate, nice feed there!!

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I also down-rig solo with a tiller steer tinnie - I am considering installing a electric motor to pull up the downrigger for me - it is pretty hectic when a big fish hits.

I've tightened up the screw on the leg of my motor to make the steering stiff enough to hold course without my hand on it, and that helps avoid the circling when motoring away from structure and fighting at the same time. (just be aware that this will also mean that the boat will motor off into the distance if you fall out)

And solo in a tiller-steer tinnie - I stay inside the heads. I'm thinking of upgrading the boat to accommodate heading outside - but the budget needs some replenishment first.

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I was out there yesterday too but came home empty handed. Were you in a little tinny around South Head about 11am? I was in a white centre console quinny trying to catch those frigates that were occasionally busting up around the trash line just outside the heads. There was another boat nearby doing the same. I managed to hook two but dropped them near the boat. They were very finicky as usual and I even went down to a 3 gram metal to try and tempt them. No kings for me jigging on a couple of wrecks and reefs. Could not catch squid early in the morning despite trying 5 different places that have all produced in the past and the yakkas (I managed one) over one of the wrecks, although stacked up, were not interested in my bait jig so no bait to down rig with. I trolled a couple of minnows around the southern cliffs for zero and could not find any surface activity despite travelling on the northern side from the heads up to Goat Island and then all the way back to Rose Bay on the southern side. Top morning to be out on the water though. A fish or two, of any kind, would have made it that little bit better.


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I was out there yesterday too but came home empty handed. Were you in a little tinny around South Head about 11am? I was in a white centre console quinny trying to catch those frigates that were occasionally busting up around the trash line just outside the heads. There was another boat nearby doing the same. I managed to hook two but dropped them near the boat. They were very finicky as usual and I even went down to a 3 gram metal to try and tempt them. No kings for me jigging on a couple of wrecks and reefs. Could not catch squid early in the morning despite trying 5 different places that have all produced in the past and the yakkas (I managed one) over one of the wrecks, although stacked up, were not interested in my bait jig so no bait to down rig with. I trolled a couple of minnows around the southern cliffs for zero and could not find any surface activity despite travelling on the northern side from the heads up to Goat Island and then all the way back to Rose Bay on the southern side. Top morning to be out on the water though. A fish or two, of any kind, would have made it that little bit better.


Yes Kel that was me. I think. I was surprisized. I thought there would be more surface activity, being no wind, but no such luck. Those frigates were feeding on tiny little baitfish, fly might be the answer.we need those Fishraider stickers !

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Yes Kel that was me. I think. I was surprisized. I thought there would be more surface activity, being no wind, but no such luck. Those frigates were feeding on tiny little baitfish, fly might be the answer.we need those Fishraider stickers !

They certainly didn't stay up for long. I didn't get to throw the tiny little metal at any bust ups so not sure how they would have reacted to them. Surface action seems to have been very rare this year compared to the last couple. More in Botany Bay from some reports. I'll have to get a sticker soon!

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