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Short'n'sharp squid session


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Kept an eye on the weather and the recent reports on squid and managed to get out for a 2 hours session yesterday arvo. Launched the yak about 4pm and drifted around in the nor easter until 5pm when it backed off and the squid came on. Landed 10 in an hour, and had 3 double hook ups with some drag screaming pulses. The squid ranged from bait size, to nice salt'n'pepper size and some 30cm+ hoods perfect for stuffed squid. Just spent an hour cleaning them for a family feast tonight.


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Guest hawkesbass

Good effort will have too get the boat fixed asap i think and get amonst them well done again

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Geez mate, how do you get a double hook up? Multiple rods? or multiple lures... how do you manage that? Were you solo? Lol teach me Sensei!

Nineworlds, I have a rod either side of the kayak, usually with different sized jigs and another in my hand that's behind me. That way I can either drift or pedal slowly so I cover more ground.


They were certainly aggressive and a few people seem to be getting good results all over the place!

I just finished stuffing the bigger hoods and making a suce ready for tomorrow night's feast!


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I have a rod either side of the kayak, usually with different sized jigs and another in my hand that's behind me. That way I can either drift or pedal slowly so I cover more ground.

So you are basically trolling with squid jigs? I knew there was an easier way! :D Thanks

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