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Stonefish in the Bay


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Went out in the Bay a few weeks ago for a quick fish, when my son hooked onto a Stonefish. I was quite surprised as thought they were only located around barrier reef and tropical waters. Did some research and found that they can come down as far as Northern N.S.W.

Only mention I could find of any around Botany Bay, was a U.K. dive website that photographed one at Voodoo.

Are they now common down this way? If so, just like to point out to other anglers who may mistake them for something else, that they are regarded as the most poisonous fish in the world. So be careful.


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Thanks for the accurate identification. (They are related to stonefish at least) More so to scorpion fish and do have venomous spines as opposed to poisonous.

Some say good eating but I would rather throw back.

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They are great eating, but very difficult to dispatch and to filet. The spikes run through the skin and into the flesh and take a bit of time to get out. But in my opinion, the opalescent flesh is worth the extra effort.

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They are beautiful eating very small fillets but worth it all the same

They are a plague in some areas unlike the leather jacket you always get your hook back lol

I have been stabbed many times by there spikes they are painful for a few mins but I have never had to cut a days fishing short due to a sting from one

So anyone that catches these give them a try they are worth it YUM YUM

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Will agree they are a very tasty feed.

BUT i let them go or pass them to anyone who wants them as they can give you a very nasty sensation if stung...........Even when dead or you take the fish from the freezer the spines can stil inflict a nasty sensation.Best cure for pain is to submerse the sting on your hand etc into reasonably hot water until pain eases.


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