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Guest Jocool

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Guest Jocool

Firstly, let me thank Bluecod (George) for organising a great outing. It was good to see that the mornings weather was perfect....Just like George ordered it. :thumbup: On Ya George. Secondly, a big thanks for everyone that attended. You guys being there all made it a great success. Give yourselves a pat on the back. :1clap:

It all started at 5:30 am for Jimbo and I at Roseville, after a night filled with anticipation and bugger all sleep. :1prop: With all the gear packed in the boat kindly supplied by Pedro, we were of to have a great day! Met a few guys at the ramp, and motored of in pitch darkness.

A quick decision was made to head straight out into the Harbour so we could be there at first light. We both commented on how gorgeous the morning was, allbeit a bit nippy. Flat seas saw us hit the Harbour in pretty good time. Our first try was to work around the Quarantine marker, and then the white water out toward North Head. We weren't having much luck, so when the phone call came from Andrew about where the action was, we hightailed out to the south of Manly beach to be greeted by a veritable flotilla of boats, both Fishraider members and mere mortals. :1prop:

Unfortunately, by this stage our boat had lost all eletricals, and we were resigned to following a couple of Raiders around for some help to be able to hover over the schools that were holding deep. Jimbo and I just could not turn a trick. Jimbo did get a good take, but it dropped the hook virtually before he had a chance to react.

Others were doing OK, so me and Jimbo were just happy to be basking in the sun taking in the scenery. I scooted around to a few boats and got a few pics of Raiders in action. I'm sure when the members come on line they can add their story to the relevant pictures. :thumbup:

post-4-1123396609_thumb.jpgThis is Bluecod hooked up on a Salmon which he landed. I am pretty sure that was on fly.

post-4-1123396687_thumb.jpgMark hooked up with Chris ready to net.

post-4-1123396742_thumb.jpgMark's little Kingy.

post-4-1123396793_thumb.jpgPedro and Pogo. Stuffed if I know what was going on there! :wacko: I will let Pedro or Pogo recount their story of the luderick that was landed on a metal! :1yikes:

I watched as Swoffa did battle with an un-Known that shredded his 4LB line but I didn't have time for a happy snap...Sorry Andrew.

I'm sure other members will have their own tales and pictures of the day. :thumbup:

We made our way back through the heads to Clontarf at about 11:30 am for a feed, and met the rest of the Raiders there. It was great to meet some old friends and to put some faces to some of our newer members. I hope you all had as much fun as I did today! Thanks guys! :thumbup::yahoo:

Edited by Jocool
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well our day was quiet iceman & i left tunks park to perfect but bloody freezing morning .we headed straight out to the heads not haveing ever fished here we where lost :1yikes: anyway we trolled south along the shoreline one thing we where confused with was these 2 rock hoppers we could not work out how in the hell they got there it was cliff face above & water all around & we couldnt see any ropes but looked atop spot as the wind started to pick upwe headed back in for nothin a few small stinky pike & cpl red rock creatures .so we headed up to rose bay to see if any bream where around only to be informed by this guys looking after the mariner that just on dawn there was heeps of big bream along this little beach only for us to find they had left :ranting2: we got small lizard & baby sguire .all in all a great day to be on the water despite the wind it was great to meet a few old raiders & some new ones :1clap: thx to iceman for the day depsite our poor a temp at fishing

Edited by mark-fisho1
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Guest MarkD

Thanks for the pic Joe.

Chris, I cant add much in terms of your description of the day other than to say thanks for a top day out and also thanks for not going into detail re. my acrobatics in Manly :risata::risata:

I'll tell the :wife: you enjoyed the beer:) Thees plenty more where that came from :)

Thanks also George for the great idea and organisation :1clap: As always it great to put some more faces to names. looking foward to doing it all again next year.



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apologies first

sorry we didnt make it to the lunch at clontarff, but you know how it is when your on a bite and not watching the clock :1prop:

Rob, Chris and myself hit rose bay just before sun up and joined the queue only to have the car lose all power due to a dodgy battery lead :badair: got it going again and backed down the ramp. went to fire up the 115 johno but the starter wouldnt engage :badair::badair: , pulled the boat back out and after 5 minutes fiddling all was well and we were on our way :1clap:

trolled out to long reef for squat then on the way back found a likely looking spot on the sounder for a bottom bash.

I have never seen so many diferent species come over the side in one session, many we couldnt identify and some we could including a couple of very nice mowies, 3 different types of jackets, two big port jacksons (one estimated to be well over 10kg's) a couple of yaka's including a thumper of 35cm and a slimy.

we also discovered that Rob is a specialist fisherman when it comes to that highly prized table fare SWEEP :074:

a great day to be out on the water with a couple of blokes that are welcome on my boat any time. just a shame we missed the meet up.

a few pics of the day




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G'day raiders and what a top day it was. :thumbup:

I was onboard "sniffin'" with Bill and Don and we caught diddly squat, but that's oK 'cos I was learning all day on the art of trolling up and down the coastline as well as picking Bill and Dons brains on various fishing/boating related topics. :thumbup:

I've never ventured outside the heads and trolled so it was good to see how it's done. Not much different to trouting actually. :1prop:

Anyways, a big thanks to Bill S for having me on board a magnificant piece of aquatic machinery, a fair dinkum top aussie boat. :yahoo:

Good to have a laugh and a chat whilst motoring around with Don providing some laughs. :risata: You're a mad bastard Don and I mean that in the nicest possible way. :074:

Great to meet up with fellow Raiders and thanks to George for organising a great day.

Thanks to Jocool for the sluggos, what a champ you are. :thumbup:

I also bought a Fishraider patch off the big fella, so now I can post fishy pics with the right patch to suit Fishraider. :biggrin2:

OK, I have no fishy pics but I do have some "picnic pics." :tease:

What's a BBQ without the men standing around watching food cook?


Some of the Raiders.


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Guest Jocool
Hungry boy.  :tease:

I found out what keeps Joe going all day whilst on the road.


You make it look and sound so bad Hooky! :074::074: Just for clarification, those sausages and meat sticks were eaten by all...NOT JUST ME!!!! :risata::risata:

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You make it look and sound so bad Hooky! :074:  :074: Just for clarification, those sausages and meat sticks were eaten by all...NOT JUST ME!!!! :risata:  :risata:


All in good fun there Joe, I probably would have eaten the whole lot on my own. :wife:

They looked the goods. :thumbup:

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Guest Jocool

You didn't try any????

Hope those Sluggo's work for you. Bill S can give the low down on how to use them effectively. I'm sure he knows the drill. :biggrin2:

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Thanx to Mark for taking me on his boat Unfortunately we couldnt find any fish but it was a nice day except for the cold First time fishing the harbour for me and I can see its potential Hope to get on there some more and get my first salmon

Also nice to meet some more raiders

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You didn't try any????

Hope those Sluggo's work for you. Bill S can give the low down on how to use them effectively. I'm sure he knows the drill. :biggrin2:


Nah, I didn't try any but wish I did. I like trying new foods and being our first date :074: I didn't think it appropriate to be a seagull. :biggrin2: Next time things will be different. :1prop::074:

Looking forward to giving the sluggos a try, hopefully next Saturday outside of Botany, weather permitting.

Thanks again. :thumbup:

P.S. Sorry about the broken fingers when I shook your hand. I always get told I have a firm grip. :risata: (Handshake grip that is.) :biggrin2:



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Guest bluecod

Thanks to all the Raiders for coming along to make the day such a success - especially Narralakes for providing me a deckie spot :1clap:

Although mixed results were had, we could not have picked a better day weather-wise for this time of year.

Narra and I put in at Roseville at 5.15 and did a bit of a troll up to the Bantry Bay area but we figured it was getting light pretty quick so we set a fast run out to the heads for another troll around North Head on the way to just wide of the Bower.

Rounding North Head my little flickstick goes off to an XOS slimey that put up a pretty good account for itself on 4lb line - and that was it, all the way down past Bluefish Pt. for nought. I was using some sort of soft plastic thingy with a fairly robust looking 3/0 hook in it. A bit later behind the Bower the same rod and lure goes off again, this time line started to peel off the reel and I lost about 15 metres or so before the fish [sambo] hit top gear - well, wasn't the little Stradic 1000 singing, 4lb line melting off the spool at a very rapid rate when it came up slack - bugger me I thought I's pulled the hooks - wrong, the bloody hook snapped at the shank. :1yikes:

Not using one of those again, I tie on a little chrome slice and about 15 minutes later line starts to peel off the reel again to another sambo that took about 20 metres of line, then nothing. Wind in and the leader was about 18" shorter. Not using 6lb leader any more, I replace the leader with 12lb mono. At this stage the score was not even, fish/2 me/1 [but only bait].

Looking in the tackle box I spy a lure that had been friendly in the past, so I clip it on and away we go to find another sambo, not long after [see Joe's pic] the 4lb flick stick goes off yet again, this time everything stays connected and after a determined tussle, a nice little sambo joins me for my dinner [Joe I wish it had been on fly but it was still heaps of fun on 4lb fireline]. The lure you ask?? A Raider :1clap:

Narra is getting fairly bored by this time as he had yet to have a touch, se we anchored up and started berleying and it wasn't long before he was into the blurters and pulled out a few nice pan size ones before one, who was a bit larger than normal, caught him unawares with a determined vertical crash dive amongst the rocks. Narra has the photos so I'll let him post them up, including the one of his PB blurter. :thumbup:

Shortly after my stomach was growling so we decided to head for Clontarf to catch up with the rest of the red fleet. Great to put some faces to names, catch up with a few met previously and meet some others - few suggestions made for the next social, but it could well be Pedro's lizard day in October before he heads north.

I'm absolutley nackered not getting home until 7.00 this evening, as Narra and I had a fun fly session on the way home on a horde of hungry little [being the operative word] choppers.

Again, thanks to you all for making the day a success and we'll have to start thinking of a suitable juncture for the next one :thumbup::thumbup:

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Thanks for organising today George, had a ball, a few fish and meeting up with everyone on such a great winters day was just great. Here's a few pics of the fish George and I caught. Although we landed some nice fish during the day, as George said, just as we were entering Roseville we saw lots of surface action as the choppers were going off, we had a ball for the last hour, at times pulling in a fish a cast, nothing big, mainly between 20 - 30 cms, but heaps of fun on the fly, which they mangled and we had to change a few, no wonder they are called choppers! It was a great day, thanks for keeping me company George. Here's George's nice salmon and my trevally, a PB for me, 45 cms long, or 40 to the fork. Looking forward to catching up with everyone next time.


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Guest Jewel

When fishrunner and I got to the ramp lateish at 7 (beer for me, cricket for him!) the dew was still frozen as well, leading to a few choice words on my behalf as I had left my shoes at home. Without much fuss the boat was launched and down the harbour we blasted with visions of large green backed fish in our minds..... all was well till we got to about Sow and Pigs where the sounder decieded to self destruct..... after a running dismantling of the boats electrics (fish to be caught, no stopping!) the sounder was decreed deseased :thumbdown: but on we pressed.

We rounded south head to be bitterly disappointed by the lack of any surface activity bar a few dolphins. Out went the troll lures and south we headed tailed by the lads in "sniffin"

who I believe we my have prematurely excited as I fought a large rapala eating weed clump to the boat! We got to north bondi and decided to work our way back to the harbour spinning the washes......... less succesful than the trolling as it only produced one putrid pike. :ranting2:

I suspect that the recent influx of hairtail may have eaten the salmon. :1naughty:

After killing a little time upriver we headed back to Clontarf to meet the rest of the Raiders. I was good to be able to put a few more faces to names! Having not put anything worthwile into the boat we were keen for a bit more fishing so we said our goodbyes and headed up towards to roseville area, similar results, NOTHING, plus a 25 cm bream. A quick refuel on the water and chat with George and Ken and we were headed back to the ramp at Iron Cove.

All was well untill after a quick spin at Cockatoo Island when the skipper (no names mentioned ) discovered that he had slightly underestimated our fuel consumption, not by too much mind you, the ramp was ONLY 4km away! :hitsfan: and the breeze wasnt really that bad was it? :badair:

What can you do? We dropped the kota and tossed some troll lures over after phoning the girls to tell them that we could be a LITTLE late getting home!

Well about 2 hours later we hit the ramp with nothing left in the battery (all steering gone and very little forward motion left) all up an entertaining day but a bloody long one!

Thanks George for organising the outing.

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Good to see all you guys got out on such a great day, judging by the conditions I might have stood a half whisker of a chance of getting the wife and the three year old out there!!.

It makes for a good yarn ,well done to all you paticipants!.


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Sounds like you all had a good day. Sorry I missed it. I was all set to come along but there was some miscommunication between me and the person whose boat I was supposed to be on and we never crossed paths at the boatramp. I also couldn't remember what park you were all meeting at for lunch so I drove home a little disappointed. Hopefully I'll get to the next one.

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Guest Jocool
Geez if I knew there was gonna be tabouleh, kafta and some lebbo bread I would have come. :risata:


Thats not all Bash...I even had some special Lebbo sausages...You would have loved them! :biggrin2:

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Well it started off to be bloody cold but the prospects of catching sambos for my first time over come that. Well i met up with John (jj sydney) unfortunatly he had some electrical gremlins on the boat that just coudnt be sorted :( . Lucky for me Darryl and Ankles came to rescue and offered a spot on board thanks, guys. Its a shame to see these little things come to surface esspecially when everything was checked the night before you just cant help murphys law when it wants to appear. Oh well better luck next time John.

So off we went, and it looked like it was going to be a glorious day, we started off by doing a bit of trolling just past North Head all the way to Blue Point (I think) at Manly with no luck, then we got the plastics and metals out and still no good then came the one hit in Darryls rod, it was a good fight and after a bit of tusseling a kingie surfaced and was boated it was just on legal so congrats to Darryl, we then proceeded back to North Head with a bit more trolling and came up with nothing so we then headed to clontarf park where i met allot of the other fishraiders and had a couple of beers. Good to see the turnout was big. Thanks Darryl for the boat ride i had a great day and ankles who showed me a couple of tips. :1clap::thumbup:

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