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Fishing Hawkesbury River - tips for a newb and hello fishraider =]

gummy bear

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Hey guys,

First off, HI haha. Just joined fishraider after reading many threads on fishing and being impressed by the nice people and good tips handed out.

I'm a young lad keen on fishing but have never been able to catch fish consistently - but I have managed a few big ones haha.

Mostly been landbased around Sydney, targetting bream, flathead and whiting but when fishing I often go dry, or catch only small ones - the biggest problem I have is hooking up to a fish. Get bites often, i move the bait around and present well (i think) and have decent gear, and often go at high or low tides.. Maybe I'm just not picking the right spots?

Anyways probably going to fish the Hawkesbury river around Bobbin Head on a hire boat on the weekend. Anyone know if it's good or quiet or what not? Apparently it was last week from what I heard from the boat hirer - due to lots of freshwater in the system.

Anyone know any good places around there? Apparently there are oyster leases around there - are they good places to target bream/flatties? And what bait should I use - not experienced enough to fish with squidgies i think =P

Thanks guys - any help would be awesome.

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