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NSW fishing fee increase


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Just like everything else I guess:

Government wants more for you to wet a line

The cost of dropping a line in NSW will increase from September 1, with the price of a fishing licence going up, Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Director Recreational and Indigenous Fisheries, Peter Turnell, said this week.

Defending the action Mr Turnell maintained that the the recreational fishing fee structure has not been revised since 2005, and the increase is in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

"Recreational fishing in NSW has been greatly improved through the programs that have been rolled out as a result of the contribution made by anglers through the recreational fishing fee," he said.

"The recreational fishing fee Trusts have funded numerous additional projects and ongoing programs that have seen both the inland and saltwater recreational fishing experience enhanced."

The changes to the fees include:
- Three-day fee increase from $6 to $7
- One month from $12 to $14;
- One year from $30 to $35; and the
- Three year fee increase from $75 to $85.

"Detail on the programs and projects funded through the recreational fishing fee can be found on the Department’s website," Mr Turnell said.

Fishers can pay the recreational fishing fee on-line, over the phone, or by visiting one of the many sales agents around the State.

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