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They see me rollin... - Newnes in a Corolla


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Well did I have an exciting weekend! Been wanting to check out Newnes for quite sometime! I have a 4x4 but it's fairly new and wanted to see what the roads were like first before I took it down.

Got to the beautiful creek crossing at the very end. There was a wombat drinking water. There were a bunch of guys across the other side what sounded like chopping some wood for the night.

After a few photos made my way back to the car. Reversed out, saw the ditch but was distracted by putting the heater on. I had a quick glance and thought I reversed enough to clear the ditch as in the dark didn't seem that bad. I always reverse more than enough to see the ditch but this time I thought - I'm sure I am fine.

Start to take off slowly with my eyes on the heater settings and I hear a bang. Thought I hit something! As I looked up I realised my car had completely fallen into the ditch! Geez it was hard to get out, I tell you that!! On the inside it feels like if I moved any more over it would of tipped!

By the time I got out and was thinking - ok - WTF - now what! ( :mad3::bump0ee::mellow:) Can't believe I put the car in this hole! I am such a good driver and normally really alert! I spot roos before they jump across the road! :P

- I remembered seeing some big 4wd's as I came in which I'm sure had winches. As I was about the make the trek back, I saw this white Patrol approaching. It was the boys from across the creek. They heard the car roll and the horn go off as I bumped it by accident on the way down.

Lucky for me they had a winch that was just recently repaired. Couldn't thank them enough for their time and help. They came to my aid so quickly! They knew what they were doing too!

I've been eager to get into 4wding - who would of that my first recovery would of been in a corolla!

I will put this up on the 4wd action forums later! But if they are reading, thanks a million!





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