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Last sunday was beautiful in sydney. Had the opportunity to fish or to have an afternoon siesta and decided to go for a fish. Went to my local with the misses and a 6 pack of cider a camping chair, a dozen oysters from the fish markets as nibbles to keep the misses happy and nibbles.

As i was about to sit down to enjoy the nibbles, my misses's rod goes off and with a bit of luck landed a 31 cm model and 5 oysters later it goes off again and this time a 30cm comes up. Left 20 mins later as the sun goes down and most importantly the misses didnt feel bored. "her kind of fishing" as she described it :)

I havent caught bream this size in years especially in sydney and off a public wharf so i was totally suprised, so i'm glad this season started off well.

Tight Lines


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Hi bretto, nothing special, it's an affordable setup, maybe $200 max... its an everyday rod which i use for bream, trevs and for catching bait etc... its a 6ft rod ($80 setup shimano of some sort carbon), sienna 2500 on 6 pound braid and 8 pound fluoro

I must say for a cheap reel, the sienna is great. Its really versatile for the type of fishing you do land base of wharves (which is what i mostly do).

I've even caught a soapie from it by memory. :P

The closest hawkesbury system for me would be bobbin head but i havent found the art of catching anything decent there, land based anyways.

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