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Novice headed to Batemans Bay


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G'day all,

I've just joined the forums and am pretty new to fishing (only wet a line a couple of times a year) but looking at getting into it a lot more seriously. I'm headed to Batemans Bay in mid-October and was wondering if any gurus on here had any tips/advice. I'll be doing both land and boat fishing, but staying inside the bay and the Clyde.

Any help would be appreciated.


Pete confused-fish.gif

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if its calm, between snapper island and the toll gates is a good drift for flatheads, there is some gravel in front of snapper I have caught whiting and bream with nippers.

soft plastics through the bridge and bream under the power lines up river a bit for bream and jewies.

im heading down for the long weekend, lookout for a report see if what I tell you is worth while or not :)

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