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Lake Mac Sat 13th


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Just a quick report from todays outing. Not a great deal to report but I thought id put one up anyway.

Once again finding fish in here was hard. Seems to be that looking for warm water makes a difference though. Found some spots at 20 deg which put me onto some nice flatties to make the day worthwile. Also trolled up a heap of choppers one of which 36cm, and got airborne which was fun.

Working one on the many weedbeds with BM's, I did get suddenly smashed by local resident Bream. I had no chance as it stripped line off at a crazy pace and busted my 4 pound leader with ease. This was a nice fish and delt with my efforts to catch it with total contempt. This was however my only altercation with a Bream today ( not counting the little guy which took an sx40 and was about 10cm long )

Anyway got a nice feed and had had great day on the water.


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