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Marine sanctuary?


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Hi there,

I was flicking lures around the marina wharves at rushcutters bay last weekend. A guy on his yacht had a go at me, and told me it is a marine sanctuary. This was news to me, so I jumped on the net and did some research. I could not find anything to back this claim up. Can anyone shed some light on this? Cheers.

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Cheers grant,

That's what I thought. Some guy that worked at the marina came and told me it was a marine sanctuary after the guy on the yacht had a whinge at me. I told him I didn't believe him, and it was a bit of a coincidence that he is telling me this 5 mins after the guy on the yacht complained. I asked him "where is the sign then". He said there was one around the other side (basically inside the marina). I was fishing in my kayak and obviously didn't drag it through the marina and launch it off their wharf. So there is no way I could have seen the sign. Also the sign looked like they made it themselves (very old and no accreditation logos). Basically I want to know if I can keep fishing around the wharves in my kayak and not get a fine from the fisheries. Cheers


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Call NSW maritime, they tell you if or not.

+1. Give them a call and find out the correct information from the source. Then, when someone tries to pull this stunt on you again, you can quote the correct answer and provide them with a phone number to contact so they can 'educate themselves' :banana:



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Cheers guys,

I have called the fisheries and it is definately not a marine sanctuary. I am waiting for nsw maritime to get back to me on any exclusion zone they can enforce. As I'm sure that's the next card they will play.


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NSW maritime just got back to me. As long as I don't touch the structure there is nothing they can do in in terms of me violating an exclusion zone. I have the numbers for both the fisheries and maritime saved in my phone. That way I can pass them on to my mates next time they have a go at me. I am confident to go back there now that I've been informed. The sad thing is, everyone else there is really nice and chat to me while I'm fishing. It's just one miserable old bugger that cut my last session short.

Thanks again guys for your suggestions, you've been a massive help.


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NSW maritime just got back to me. As long as I don't touch the structure there is nothing they can do in in terms of me violating an exclusion zone. I have the numbers for both the fisheries and maritime saved in my phone. That way I can pass them on to my mates next time they have a go at me. I am confident to go back there now that I've been informed. The sad thing is, everyone else there is really nice and chat to me while I'm fishing. It's just one miserable old bugger that cut my last session short.

Thanks again guys for your suggestions, you've been a massive help.


Good onya mate, I hate people like that who think they own the place even though it's open to the public.

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Good for you. I have experienced the same thing - they only have rights to their moring and not all the water around it!

But on the other side, with more people throwing blades and lead jigs close to their vessel, I would be be a bit nervous of my gel coat as well!

Politeness and consideration usually works, but not always.

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Good for you. I have experienced the same thing - they only have rights to their moring and not all the water around it!

But on the other side, with more people throwing blades and lead jigs close to their vessel, I would be be a bit nervous of my gel coat as well!

Politeness and consideration usually works, but not always.

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Yes I agree. I make a point of not casting near the boats, as I'm sure their paint job is worth more than my car. He's issue was with me "traumatizing the fish" and claimed that they wouldn't eat the barnacles of his boat, or bread that he threw out for them. What could I say back to that? He clearly has no idea.

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