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Pittwater/cowan/juno 13th& 14th/08/05


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Got my new 40hp Merc 2 stroke 3 cylinder on Friday and was sooo excited to play with my new toy I forgot to spend ANY time with the Fiance.

Sat 3pm to 9pm

Ran the motor in a little, got to West Head, picked up some livies went over to Juno for the run out tide till low at 8:30. Coupla livies out, coupla fresh squid, coupla hours, coupla hot teas. Not even a nibble on my beautiful baits! Packed up at 8:30 and headed in.

Sun 9am to 6:30pm

Big day, big plans. Trolled 3 bibbed minnows and one white slug from Longnose point to Soldiers in Pittwater finding several largish schools at 15ft and gave them ample chance but they weren't interested.

Flint and Steel for 1hr for the run in. Anchored just behind the point (SW side) 60ft deep hole to sit in the eddy for some lazy jews, nothing. Moved to Elanours bluff for a while, nothing. Moved to Shark Rock Point for several hours, nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean, NOTHING. I had pilchards, prawns and squid out on my light rod everywhere and it wasn't even looked at (i was burleying too)

Popped in to Cottage point for something to eat and $28!!! later got 2 pies and 2 sausage rolls and a cuppa tea!!!!! (I think they saw me coming)

Bout 4pm went over to Potonga way and drifted for an hour for flatties, that's right, nothing!!

At 5pm trolled all the way back to Scotland Island and tha smallest little tailor nailed a CD-7 red head halfway between Lion Is and West Head. Before I threw him back I told the little brat that him and all his finned mates sucked, and I'd be back next week with grenades, depth charges and a small nuclear devic to teach them all a lesson!

Nice 1.5 days on the water though - and the new motor puurrrrrzzzzz!!!

1.5 days of fishing and one small tailor

So I'd like you all to be brutally honestly - How much do I suck?

(On a scale of 1 to 10)


(sorry, I'm too embarrased to tell you my real name right now)

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Guest Jocool

So I'd like you all to be brutally honestly - How much do I suck?

(On a scale of 1 to 10)


(sorry, I'm too embarrased to tell you my real name right now)


Kingy...at least you caught BAIT! So on any kinda scale you did better than me this weekend! :074::074:

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A day and a half Jo??!!?! one full day, and then half the next!?!?!! If you went fishing for a day and a half I'm quite sure you'd find some LB.

I'm not talking squid either - I suck at squid, just yakkas from west head - my 3 year old sister (if I had a sister) would be able to catch LB at west head.

The simple west head equation is:

burley+small hook = LB


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Every one has those fishless trips and at this time of year it’s more the norm than the exemption :badair: just hang in there doing things that worked for you in the past and things will come good :thumbup: , when all said and done it’s those fishless trips that make the good ones all the sweeter :biggrin2:

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