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The Trag have been around for a while, they never really left after last summer. Good to see a report. Did you fish last weekend in the red October (snapper) comp. there was some great reds caught with the biggest going 82cm . Quiet a few in the 70's.


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The Trag have been around for a while, they never really left after last summer. Good to see a report. Did you fish last weekend in the red October (snapper) comp. there was some great reds caught with the biggest going 82cm . Quiet a few in the 70's.


HI Squidy, couldn't fish the comp as I had my 3 year old all weekend... Yeh some of the crew caught some stonkers. Plenty of fish compared to last year's weigh in...

With the Trag, they were no where near this level over winter, the odd fish. Once that water hits 19.5 they school up in numbers. We bag out in 30mins most sessions over Summer. Winter is nothing like that buddy!

Here is the Snapper that won the weigh in part of the comp. Some solid fish on the catch and release part too!



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