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Poddy Mullet In The Hawkesbury


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Hi Guys,

Im keen to try live Poddy Mullet in an attempt to catch some big flathead at the mouth of the Hawkesbury (Juno Point, Flint & Steel, Patonga area)

I'm hopping someone could assist with potential locations for catching Poddy Mullet in this area. I plan on trying both a home made trap (cordial bottle style) and the cylinder type traps you can buy at most tackle stores.

And advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Scratchie,

My other motivation for using a live bait is to catch a big Jew. I have seen some footage recently of people catching big Jewies with Poddy Mullet.

I'm having good success with prawns (more so Bannana prawns from Woolies/Coles), pilchards, squid strips etc but must have caught over 100 undersize Jew over the last 18 months.

I caught a solid 64cm Flatty on a small live Yakka on the weekend and its fueled my interest in using live baits more often. I know people will suggest squid also but find them too inconsistent in that area and don't want to rely on live squid alone. I like te yakkas because I can always get them easily and quickly, I'm hopping Poddys may be similar...

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No problem mate, good luck! I don't know any spots in the hawkesbo though for them.... Hmmm

Maybe the shallows in Cowan may hold them but I've never tried collecting them, so sorry I can't help!

Cheers scratchie!!!

P.s squid will attract the big Jew!

Edited by Scratchie
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No problem at all!

Iv learnt plenty from talking to you at the Hairtail Social (you helped me with some spots to try) and reading your posts.

If I find a reliable location or two to catch them and they result in some level of success ill be sure to let you know.

Edited by DeanFish
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No problem dean. I remember you. Try the first bay up from WB to the north. On the left hand side. It banks up to sand and I've seen small fish congregate in there. Also at the very end of JB it does the same thing. Good luck mate and let me know how you go!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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