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Lowarance HDS 5x GEN 2 vs Lowrance Elite 5x HDI


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Hi just wondering if anyone has compared these two models of fish finders. To be used on my Tinnie estuary fishing targeting bait schools and larger fish ie; kings, Jews, snapper insore. Current price for the Elite 5x HDI $399 bcf and the 5x HDS ebay $540 or at the shops $680.

What would be the best product value for money and for my use?

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you have to ask yourself what your going to connect to it in the future?

can you connect structure scan to the elite ?

does the elite connect with NMEA200 incase you want to connect to your motor, fuel flow meter etc.)

as for the structure scan question let me know if it does I have a mate thinking the same already has the elite.

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