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Yamaha 25HP Portable motor leaking a bit of oil


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Looking for some advice.

.. I took my boat out last night and when i went to flush the motor this morning I noticed about a cup of oil had leaked from the bottom of the motor. Is this normal? It operates fine but having had the motor for over 5 years this is the first time this has happened so not sure

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nah mate not normal. it will be ur gear box oil. i think a seal would have gone. wheres it leakin from? if from the screws where u change ur gear oil from u might have to replace the gasket on the screws. if out of the holes its sometimes the seal around the horse shoe. best to get it looked at.

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Guest Aussie007

if the oil is black and leaking from the front or rear of the prop u probably just added to much oil to the fuel mix

if the oil is milky it will be a gearbox seal

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