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Sad but happy!


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G'day Raiders,

Went down to narrabeen today for a quick flick as I was in the area and had an hour to kill, scouting through the reeds heard a scrambling sound n saw this fella trying to fly off but caught around the leg with fishing line someone had lost in the reeds.

Posted Image

Managed to cut the poor guy loose and untangle the line from him (with only one stab wound to my hand), lucky I stumbled onto him he was well and truly stuck. Flew off a bit wobbly but he flew!

Moral of the story, I love this community as we promote safe and sustainable practices / fishing and I know we all put in effort to keep our impact at a minimum. Lets all just keep at it remembering to take our crap with us and encourage others to do the same.

Keep up the good work Raiders, Harry the Heron will thank you :)

(End high and mighty rant)



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Hear Hear. Good work mate. And it makes more sense to take rubbish away when you leave a spot when you think about it. Councils install rubbish bins in mostly appropriate areas (there could be some fine tuning done in that department, also) and we pay for them through our rates. I figure if we pay for them, let's use them.

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