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The lake is finally starting to fire.


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So here goes my first report...

Went over to Narrabeen for a mid arvo flick to see if there was much around (near the cricket field). As I expected, every little nook was packed with holiday makers looking for a feed. Found a nice little quiet spot which was free and rigged up a couple of rods. 3-5kg Pflueger/2500 Aird/ 8lb mono for the SP and a 2kg Aird rod/1000 Sedona/ 6lb mono for throwing the live worms.

Looked around at the others and they weren't getting a bite, which didn't look too promising, but I threaded my first worm on anyway. Cast out onto a patch of sand I spotted and within 5serc of it hitting the bottom...tap..tap...tap..BAM! nice little whiting going 23cm, so back it went to grow a little bigger. Threaded another worm on, back out it went, it wasn't on the bottom for more than 10sec before I landed another around the same size. A few more were landed in quick succession including a couple of bream.

By this stage I everybody else along the stretch I was on was wasn't getting so much as a bite and I could see them secretly hating me. :tease:

I had ran out of worms and didn't bring the yabbie pump, so I put on a Squidgy fish in the white/red colour for a flick, but there were no flatties willing to come to the party. Used a clear 50mm popper on the smaller set-up and had a few follows from whiting and a couple of swipes from below from a few inquisitive bream, but unfortunately no hookups.

Nothing legal to take home, so all were released to grow a little bigger. Forgot the camera this time, so no pics. :blush: Will remember next time......(tomorrow!).

Tight lines all...


Edited by iamthecowgodmoo
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Yeah most people on the lake are casting into the deep water for flattie when whiting are behind them on the flat. As more fishos are gathered around the campsite it's better to go at the back of the lake (woolworth bridge or even further back). Incaught a legal size whiting in Deep Creek. Will look for some more

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