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Good Fishing spots Culburra beach (South Coast NSW)?


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Hi All,

Heading down to Culburra beach this weekend with the kids and was wondering if anyone had any good spots to drop a line in.

I'm not familiar with the area so any tips on locatiosn would be much appreciated. I'm landbased but happy to try beach or estuary.

Thanks in advance


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Love culburra

ive had great success just fishing from the beach - dawn or dusk are best. find a good gutter and away you go

i hear the lake is producing heaps of good prawns recently. might like to grab a torch and a net and take the kids down.

speak to the locals (drop into culby bait and tackle for up to date info)

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  • 3 months later...

I note that this is an old post (I found it by accident) but if anyone is going to Culburra, head right up Prince Edward avenue towards the lighthouse passed the caravan park. Just short of the carpark, look for a hidden track in the trees that has steps down onto the ocean beach (not the inlet). Off the rocks you can get good tailor, blackfish etc.

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I got a nice tailor off penguin head - which is the headland on the south side of culburra beach. It was blowing a gale that say so tough fishing. Personally I've never had much luck off the beach

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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