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Clifton Gardens


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I hit the gardens both saturday and sunday this week and heres what happened.....

I left a bit late on saturday and ended up picking my mate up at about 1.30pm.....finally hit the water at about 4 after an hours drive, a stop for bait and a 30 minute walk to the spot.......my mate threw out a prawn and i threw out a weighted pilchard for a flatty and tried prawn on my other line for whatever was down there then sat back and hit relaxation mode...after 15 minutes i hear this voice saying they want to go in about an hour, so i laugh :074: and turn to my mate thinking he had just made one of his trademark crap jokes but he was serious....so after all that we end up staying there for only an hour with a few decent bites all because i have a mate who is :insane: and doesnt like fishing but still agress to come...... :chair:

Sunday was a different story altogether......my fishing buddy and i woke up at 4am and set off for another crack(for me) at the popular point at the gardens....we arrived at about 7am and threw in a floating pilli rig, 2 prawny pananosta rigs, some cungy on a hook and a couple of lures....nothing happened for hours and then i had a hit.....it wasnt much but here is what i caught(this is my first attempt at posting a pic), i think it is a rubberlipped morwong which is my first and it weighed just under 2 pounds(i have big hands or maybe my $6 scales told me lies).....the fillets tasted ok even though it was a bit :badair: ....

So over all the weekend was a good one because i caught my first one of those and i learnt not to go fishing with mates who just arent as keen as myself......






Edited by paggles
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Nice one paggles - commitment wins the day in my fishing book!

I saw some chaps pulling in dozens (no exageration) of fish they said were black trevally at Clifton last year. Breamish looking fish, lightly speckled with black spots and a spiny bream like dorsal outfit on top AND bottom...hope that makes sense.

These fellas were a bit shady and claimed there was no size or bag limit but I don't know what the fish were and they were on the fish sign thing at the front of the warf.

My description is dodgy but anyone confirm the black trevally thing?

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Nice one paggles - commitment wins the day in my fishing book!

My description is dodgy but anyone confirm the black trevally thing?

i just love to fish...i guess commitment is a big part of it :biggrin2:

i have no idea what the fish is spanker, it had 3 stripes near its tail, each side fin had a few extended fingers and its lips were very soft and rubbery.....

thanx guys


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Guest bluecod


Yours look like a red morwong, but from the photo its a bit difficult to tell. Good effort :1clap:


Darkish colouration with speckles and pointed spines top and bottom certainly sound like black trevally - keep well clear as a wound from one of their spines is something you won't forget in a hurry.

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Your fish looks like a red morwong paggles which arent a common capture and black trevally or happy moments as they are sometimes called are common and whatever you do dont get stung by the spikes or you will be in for a lot of pain

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Gidday paggles,yup thats a red morwong all right,not all that common to catch-unless you are a speardiver.The black trevally as Iceman says can give you a real tickle.I learnt about those things when my old man caught one at Port Mac on the wall when I was a kid,I still remember grabbing it and the spines going into BOTH hands :1yikes: ,now as I was eight you tend to dramatise things a little, but they are comparable to being stung by several bull ants at the same time.

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That is a red morwong, there are millions of the them all up and down the coast which is why they are popular with spear fishers but they don't get caught on lines in huge numbers really.

black trev aka happy moments. they fight well but I reckon they are excellent on the plate and I always take them home. I've had some great sessions off the rocks with the black trevs floating out a peeled prawn under a bobby cork. Just watch the spikes.

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cool looking fish. I tried cliftons couple of time and only thing I have ever managed to catch is cold :1badmood:

I always fish off the bridge but seems like you are going somewhere around.

Paggles wanna meet up and go fishing together.

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Thanks gents - black trevally it is. These guys were using a fish pole with a float on it off the end of the warf and pulling them in one after another.

Anyone snuck around and fished off the navy wharf next door after dark?

I'm thinking about pulling a bucket of mullet out of the lane cover river at the weir and throwing them out live off the navy wharf.


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thanx fellas...thats my first red morwong :biggrin2: ill have to try the bobby cork with a floating prawn trick for one of those black trevally, i hear you can do the same thing with a live yakka for the kingies or maybe a john dory that hang around there.....?

gianniz, next time i go to the gardens ill put out a post and we can meet up at the wharf and go from there...... :thumbup:

spanker, i was speaking to a guy at the gardens 2 weeks ago and he said that in the summer he paddles his canoe over to the naval wharf and catches kingies on lures....


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Anyone snuck around and fished off the navy wharf next door after dark?

I'm thinking about pulling a bucket of mullet out of the lane cover river at the weir and throwing them out live off the navy wharf.



Yep, tried that one. Got chucked out by the security guard, and we were on the rocks around the bottom of the jetty. Apparently the million dollar views of the locals are disturbed by blokes fishing on that side of the bay (in the middle of the night? What are they taking in their view with night-vision goggles or something?), so they get straight on the phone to the guards to complain. Might be worth a try if you go late enough (say, 3 am) or on a weeknight, but we got the boot at about midnight on a Friday. It is an EXCELLENT looking spot, and we managed to get one 30 cm+ bream out before the enforced exodus.

Later from Pig

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