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Not real pillies


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Has anyone else come across servo sold "Australian pilchards" that seem ok the way they are presented, but when you open the pack they have a low belly and a different profile? I have been told they are herring that are being dumped on the market. I used them once and nothing would touch them, now I see them in 2kg blocks, doesn't seem right .

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I know the ones your talking about. If you look at the 2 different bags side by side you can tell they aren't the same fish.

The "Australian" ones have fat bellies and seem shorter overall. It's a dead giveaway that they're some imported crap with the way they emphasize the Aussie part.

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Thanks for the heads up, Ryder

I'll look for that when I next buy some pillies. I generally use lures, but when I go away, I like to buy some bait in case things are quiet. Real pilchards always gets a lot of interest. I'd hate to buy herring instead. May as well cast lump of wood. Actually, a lump of wood would probably be better, if worked well.

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