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Trevs in MH


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First time post (long time lurk)… anyways..

Picked up a couple of squid on Sat morning high tide, cleaned 'em up and took the trimmings to MH on silly string (mono) and very very bendy bream rod: hooked a solid trev late arvo, and snagged another slightly smaller one too.

Turned squid in to S+P with some szechaun pepper, black pepper, salt and corn four.

Ffwd to today, change of gear but similarly silly string (braid) and Zman streakZ and snagged another pair of Trevs in an after work quick session.

Popped 'em back and dashed home for pancakes.

Love the forum & reports


P.S. Both days saw what looked like frigate mackeral dashing about through polarised sunnies but only popped up once, certainly seemed to be one or two good sized ones too...

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We fished MH on sat night. Picked up a big calamari at north head then back into MH west of spit bridge for the high tide. Got a lot of bites on school jew landing two but they were very finicky about biting freely.


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