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Alvey 6000C8


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It looks a lot like a fly reel with the vents drilled in it. Wonder how it would go on one with the side casting release... might be good for areas where you don't want the line at your feet like off the rocks or on the beach. It is a bit unorthodox but you never know I guess until you try it.

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$460 for a blinged up, out dated line twister.... no thanks!


The only redeeming factors about alvey's is they are simple, tough and cheap. This ticks no boxes for me.... FAIL

Steady there...

A lot of people FAIL to realise that all it takes to eliminate the line twist is a suitably rated swivel at the top of the rig.

Fishing with an Alvey reel is a much more fulfilling expirience once you've got a hang of the technique required, it adds another angle, you are the drag (direct wind models) you are the level wind.

Anyhow, different folks different strokes.


If it's to good to be true, it usually is...

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