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North Narrabeen nice gutter


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I took a walk along the beach this morning, making a few casts for nought. The tide was running out and a lot of water moving around.

I thought I should report the nice looking gutter forming at the north end below the surf club. Two or more deep channels heading out with the gutter about 80m long. It should fish well this evening on the high.

There were also a lot bait fish pushed up near the shore.

Further south near 'the pines' weed is an issue but the north was pretty clear.

I spoke to a local who said they got good flathead and tailor last night.

Coming up to the new moon there could be a chance of a Jew.

Hope you can use the info, I can't make it tonight

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We fished one of the northern beaches last night and indeed there were loads of weeds at the southern side of the beach. Found a clear patch of beach at the north end and managed 6 fish before packed up just past 7:30 pm (one salmon, two tailors and 3 breams). The water did look very good last nigh, too bad I could not go tonight due to other commitment. Hopefully I could have a quick session tomorrow.


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I was there in front of the surf club from about 5:00-9:00 tonight. I wasn't sure it was a gutter (still a novice) but it looked right to me, breaking in close and no sign of breaks further out. Was there for my first crack at going for jewies but had no luck in that department.

Took one nice 40+ tailor, another 36cm tailor, a 40cm flattie and another larger one that I let go (3 fish I had were enough for the family).

Bit was good around the peak of the high tide around 6pm, but the tide retreated quickly after that and it went quiet.

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Well done mate. I saw it at low tide right near the shore at low tide, running deep, so about 10- 20 m out on the high.

Use those tailor to 'trade up' nice slab on a big hook 6/0 or 8/0 and Bobs your uncle.

Good luck

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I learn so much from you all.

I think it's fair to share.

I live in Ryde and use surf cams to check things out, wind ,swell etc.

It can be still as here but blowing hard on the coast.

But no surf cam on north narrabeen . Need real information

My wife's working alternate weekend shift at RSPCA, So I was free.

So I took a walk

Low tide during the day not much hope but its better than not fishing,

I knew it would be good on the high, and glad it payed off for someone.

Still waiting for a big one maybe not this weekend but next on the lead up to the full moon


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I was considering going for tonight's high tide but was not going to get there in time by the time the kids were all settled. Maybe tomorrow night, really itching to have another go for a jewfish.

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  • 2 weeks later...


It's still there,not as good as it was. I went last night.

The big swell has flattened most of the formation along the beach.

Not much kelp, there is ribbon weed and other stuff that wraps around your line.

Has the texture of cottonwool and its hard to get off, it blocks the guides

I kept losing my pillies to pickers or crabs, no solid bites.


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Just have to say congratulations to everyone for sharing information and helping each other catch a fish or two. This is what fishing and human kind is all about. Too many people these days are happy bragging about their catch but secretive about the details. Well done guys.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the info ryder went down last night caught 5 nice bream smallest being 33 and biggest 38 only took 1 home for dinner in not greedy .also fought something massive for about 15 minutes got him right up to sand to have him snap off and swim off looked like a jewie around the 70 cm mark .

Thanks again all for sharing ur info :)

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Thanks for the info ryder went down last night caught 5 nice bream smallest being 33 and biggest 38 only took 1 home for dinner in not greedy .also fought something massive for about 15 minutes got him right up to sand to have him snap off and swim off looked like a jewie around the 70 cm mark .

Thanks again all for sharing ur info :)

Great work

Bad luck on the big one.

Edited by Ryder
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