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Ojay Samson

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Hello raiders,
just a report about a fishing session last night. So after a day about talking about wanting to go for a fish, the gf had had enough and decided to want to go for a fish too, to shut me up.
we headed out to gladesville wharf to try and chase a jewfish on my new combo (purchased last week a shimano stradic 5000fj with 20lb suffix 832 braid in green and matched to a shimano catana 902 shore spin rod...looks shmexxy imho). got to the wharf to see it was packed out as usual (i dont know what i was expecting since it was a friday night) with 1 fisho leaving in anger as we were heading down saying "there was no room down there and those 'f#*%ers' keeping everything". so i made the executive decision to fk that s#it and go somewhere else... went prospecting for about 30 minutes around the area and surrounds of gladesville and drummoyne until we settled on an empty wharf in the drummoyne area. ferrys were still running btw, did some fishing with only 2 rods cast out to make sure i could retrieve them quickly when a ferry came.

not soon after throwing my first line out a group of "gentlemen" came and started setting up on the other side of the wharf. these guys kept everything.... many many small bream, snapper, whiting..the lot. the whole time i was there they caught only 1 legal fish..being a nice bream around the 32-33cm mark. furthermore these guys were soo annoying as they constantly would throw their lines across my lines... for the life of me i dont understand how they could not figure out how to cast straight instead of to the right, having tried telling them several times to aim to the left if it was such a struggle for them to cast straight.... deaf ears, ignorance and poor grasp of English skills made sure i was busy having to untangle their mess on my lines constantly. ok rant over.

so the girlfriend was in charge of catching the live bait, but that night was really hard going as only 2 yellowtail were landed, 1 herring and 2 accidental bream by her (i tried catching some livies too of course but they just weren't there).

so as i said i was really keen to try out my new stradic setup (as this was the first time i was taking it out having had it in my possession and ready to go for a week) but alas it was not to be that night as nothing was taking interest in my live yakka out there (maybe it was better that was as if something did take it i would of more than likely have been screwed due to the clowns fishing next to me constantly getting me in tangles).

the only consolation was it was not all that bad that night as a decent feed of fish were kept (all being legal of course lol) with 2 flattys caught, with 1 of them going 52cm on my $7 kmart special (the one that lights up when u reel it haha), and the other going 53cm on my more respectable outfit i affectionately call '300'. (i dont know about you guys but i like to give my most common fishing setups names so the people who fish with me know exactly which rod im talking about and stuff...makes things easier to identify when stories or such are being told...i still haven't figured out a name for my new outfit though... i digress).

a few bream were caught but only 2 made it over the 25cm mark so we kept those, and 1 yakka.

also 1 catfish was caught... i decided to keep it as usually i throw them all away as many say they taste like mud etcetc but this app(which was an exact picture of the same one caught) rated it 4/5 stars on my phone and i have not personally tried one yet so i'll see how it goes haha.

we decided to call it quits at around 3:00-3:30am as the gf was getting too cold and the fish seemed to have shut down completely.

i was happy to have tried out my new wire keeper net with trap doors (big w) haha, and just to have gone out for a fish....things were so perfect (minus the ferries) until others came along (god i wish i had a boat lol).
on a personal note, flathead would have to be the most uncommon 'common' species i catch as its once in a blue moon i will catch a flatty in general, so this time around having caught not only 1 respectable flatty, but 2 was a bit of a personal achievement for me haha.

here are some pics, thanks for reading.





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Good on u for persisting with the cold and getting a feed.<br /><br />Unfortunately with sydneys fishing environment u are going to get all sorts. it is part of what makes the place great but has some down sides as well. As we saw from a fellow raiders trip to china, some peoples idea of good fish are different to ours.<br /><br />Maybe some good natured advice for these guys is needed, but remember you aren't fisheries so confrontation should be avoided. If they persist just dob them in to fisheries.<br /><br />let us know how the catty goes.

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There is an easy solution to folks constantly casting over you and tangling you up... bring it up, get their line and cut it off with your knife. Then the remainder of their line should pull out relatively easily. They will soon stop casting over you when they lose their gear all the time.

Nice catch by the way, they are a couple of good flatties in there. And congrats on being so tolerant, you did better than I would have in the same situation.


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The folk you mention will most likely deep fry the undersized fish. Live in the knowledge that one day an inspector will get them. I don't agree with cutting their line, who wants to get in a fight when you want to go fishing? Each to their own. Live in peace I say.

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There is an easy solution to folks constantly casting over you and tangling you up... bring it up, get their line and cut it off with your knife. Then the remainder of their line should pull out relatively easily. They will soon stop casting over you when they lose their gear all the time.

Nice catch by the way, they are a couple of good flatties in there. And congrats on being so tolerant, you did better than I would have in the same situation.


I agree with Trout Stalker, cut them off, do it quietly.

I use the same method on the beach, when guys cast out 3 rods and can't handle 1.

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thanks for the suggestions and replies all, they have been taken into consideration for next time haha, but i believe i chose the best option, theres already too many heroes in this world, no need for one more. and i was there for a fish... not to be shanked. 5 vs 1(gf has been omitted from count lol) ...those aren't the best odds if s#!t goes down haha.

also the ninja line cut option wasnt possible, they were on their rods at the slightest sight of movement.

cheers on avatar compliment dave, I found it cool too haha

Edited by Ojay Samson
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