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Squidding in Mosman


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Hey guys, haven't posted in a while but I've been squidding these days with my brother in law and his mate.

First stop Chinaman's bay, headed out and a couple of squid came out and we ended up bagging up on them :D

Got a couple and then BANG got a big one and bagged up and headed home.

A week or 2 later headed out to the spit, armed with yamashita's and tried squidding despite the low tide.... Couple of casts and flicks over here and there and BANG! Was on to another one! This one was a monster! Didn't really check the hood length but it was big!

While reading a lot of posts from other fellow raiders, what really motivated me was Krispy's After Uni Kingy :D Got me soo hyped up i had to go chase some squid and but it out live! But Bugger nothing!

Headed out to Cliffton garden in the morning, gates were still closed, did an all nighter but the rangers still didnt turn up!!!! Then this guy comes in and just opens the gate like he knew it was open, so we followed him in, but then it came to my attention that this bastard was there the week before and was hogging the top corner of the wharf, so i reckon this guy knew it was open even if it looked like it was LOCKED!!

So frustrated!!!! :( Anyone i hope he gets whats coming for him...

Went to buy some new yamashita jigs, and natural colour seemed to work really well.. Went to cliffton again last night and caught one of the biggest squid i ever caught!

Took drag and was pushing hard! Didnt measure again but was preatty sure it was BIG! Quickly zip locked them!

I was dying to write a report just didnt have anything to show you guys!

So now i do and this is it!

Thanks guys and tight lines!

P.S last 2 photos is the big one!!!

P.P.S thanks guys to other raiders for the motivation!







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