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Web site editing.


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My website was made many years ago and probably uses a superseded system that is no longer in use.

Problem is, being semi retired we are changing from a Pty Coy to a lesser format. As a result we need to change some names and update some of the links/documents.

I need to locate somebody who has worked with the old systems and is willing and able to make the changes and possibly show us how to do them in future for a reasonable fee. The original designer (a friend) has moved to the Philippines and the only other one that I used charged like a wounded bull.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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Firstly, do you have the login details for your site? If you do, then you would FTP it down to your PC. If it simply text based you should be able to make minor changes, like names, using any editing software and then copying it back up to the webservers again via FTP.


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Hate saying this........but the other way is a website like freelancer, advertise what you want done, people will bid for your job.....or google website development maintainance India,........you will probably find someone on one of those sites that will do it for you at a ridiculous price for you whilst you do something fair more interesting and productive, like go fishing

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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I'm tied up tonight but will PM you tomorrow. My day job is server and network build and maintenance. I can cover some html to mod an existing site. Happy to give you some time for free as a Thanks for your previous help.

... Steve

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Wow!1 did not expect the number and offers of assistance that have been posted. Thank you all so much, I am blown away.

Steve lives just up the road from me so I am arranging to meet with him over coffee to show him my records of the site.

Will let you know how we get on.



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