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I want bigger!

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G'day raiders

It was a great Thursday Arvo and the tides were perfect for Jewish so we decided to head out and what a site heading out was!


With some fresh squid out on my dads big rod and a live garfish on mine so me and my dad decided to have a lay down and wait till the tide was perfect. Me and my dad were just about to doze off, as the big rod with the squid on it goes off! ZZZZZZZZZ we realize that we had a double hook up but as I've gone to set the hook POP! Both fish come off. We wind our lines up to find that my livie swam around dads leader and as I've tried to set the hook I actually pulled the hook out of the big fish. So we take off the garfish and put on a squid head and as soon as it hit the ocean floor bang! I'm on and up comes a nice soapy


To our disappointment, nothing really the rest of the night!

Thanks for reading

Cheers scratchie_junior

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