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Fishing for a feed?


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Hi folks,

My girlfriend's been away in Europe on business for the last few weeks and gets back this weekend. She keeps taking the mick out of me for never bringing any fish back for the table and, just this once, I'd love to prove her wrong. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on a decent place to try my luck on my day off this Friday.

Just for info: I'm based in Petersham (Inner West) and only have access to public transport at the mo. I know that generally speaking you should keep to eating stuff east of the bridge (and only 300 mg a month), so I was thinking of getting the ferry to Rose Bay or Manly. I just wondered if anyone had any other recommendations. I'm a bit limited in terms of the bait I can get (no weed for luderick unless I could collect on location), I don't have a beach caster and my SP technique still needs honing, but any advice anyone can give would be much appreciated.



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Thanks for the reply man. I was going to nip in to an angling shop in town after work tomorrow for a few heavier jigheads for the SPs cos I lost a few last weekend. I'll be honest, I haven't had any fish on them yet (only really started using them in the last couple of months), but I'd like to try and use them a bit more.

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Mate haven't done rose bay much, but if it's a nice sandy/ weedy/semi broken bottom anything from a 1/16 to 1/4 head with a wriggler/grub/paddle tail style hopped over the sand and in honestly in with a really good chance of a flatty mate. And they taste excellent! feel free to PM me with the types of plastics you've got and I reckon we could get you on track to keep the missus happy! Flatties are very doable, what was your rod/reel/line setup again?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Hiya Witha, Thanks again for the reply mate. I have a 2-5 kg 2.13 m Daiwa spinning rod and a 2500 spinning reel loaded with 6 lb braid with a light mono leader. The SPs I've used so far are Z-man grubs in motor oil, bloodworm wrigglers and the Gulp nuke chicken minnows, plus I've got a few Woolies/K-mart pre-rigged cheapo ones lying around too. Heaviest jig head I have is 1/8th, but I could pick up something heavier tomorrow.

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Fish somewhere with structure. I've seen plenty of bream around pylons in the harbour. I've used the following technique with consistent success in the Georges river recently.

Use unweighted white bread on a number 2 hook and let it slowly sink down. You want to squeeze it on densely leaving it either fluffy at the point or just with the point of the hook showing. Not too much, just enough to cover the hook. Mix some of your bread with water until it is mush and throw small handfuls of that in, letting your bait sink amongst it.

Leave a good amount of slack in the line, you will know when the fish runs with the bait as the line will move or tighten up suddenly... Lift and you're on.

You will catch plenty of bream if they are about.

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Thanks for the advice guys. Jimbu, I tend to stick with chicken and minced garlic for bream bait at the moment as it's been working alright in the water west of the Harbour Bridge for me and I find it stays on the hook pretty well, but always keep a loaf of bread as back up just in case. I usually stick to a light sinking/running sinker rig, as I find it's really difficult to get any distance on an unweighted cast and I have trouble getting line out from my reel to let the bait sink if there's nothing more than bait on the end.

Meant to say, I hear a lot of people mention pilchards as bait, but I assume you've got to got to get to the right shop for them. Is there anywhere in the city you can buy them apart from the Fish Markets?

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1/8th head and a zman grub or wriggler has accounted for most of my flatties. Give the bait a go but if your keen to try the plastics I reckon that will give you a good shot! Your setup sounds perfect for it

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the advice guys. Jimbu, I tend to stick with chicken and minced garlic for bream bait at the moment as it's been working alright in the water west of the Harbour Bridge for me and I find it stays on the hook pretty well, but always keep a loaf of bread as back up just in case. I usually stick to a light sinking/running sinker rig, as I find it's really difficult to get any distance on an unweighted cast and I have trouble getting line out from my reel to let the bait sink if there's nothing more than bait on the end.

Meant to say, I hear a lot of people mention pilchards as bait, but I assume you've got to got to get to the right shop for them. Is there anywhere in the city you can buy them apart from the Fish Markets?

you can buy pillies in most petrol stations but I'm with the bread technique small hook drop it straight down under the wharf and wait put in a little bit of burley remember no weight or the bream will think its un natural
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Thanks for the advice guys. Jimbu, I tend to stick with chicken and minced garlic for bream bait at the moment as it's been working alright in the water west of the Harbour Bridge for me and I find it stays on the hook pretty well, but always keep a loaf of bread as back up just in case. I usually stick to a light sinking/running sinker rig, as I find it's really difficult to get any distance on an unweighted cast and I have trouble getting line out from my reel to let the bait sink if there's nothing more than bait on the end.

Meant to say, I hear a lot of people mention pilchards as bait, but I assume you've got to got to get to the right shop for them. Is there anywhere in the city you can buy them apart from the Fish Markets?

I used to think the same ... You'd be surprised how many fish are at your feet. I thought the fish were scarce at my spots, yet when I used this method they came in one after the other. The bream with take the bait quickly with no weight, instead of their typical nibble/mouthing when they feel the tiniest bit of weight.

You have to replace the bread regularly because it comes off easily, but you're often pulling a fish off the line at the same time ;)

If there is structure at your feet, simply drop the line straight down. I was fishing a mangrovey secluded spot on the Georges on the weekend where previously i had only ever picked up undersize bream or nothing at all... The current was midway through the run-in, so quite strong. I threw the bait maybe 5m out and let it sink and drift out with the current, feeding it plenty of line. I hooked up legal bream on almost every cast.

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Hi folks,

...She keeps taking the mick out of me for never bringing any fish back for the table...

It's all about psycology. I had the same issue.

She thinks you won't catch anything, you unconsciously don't want to upset her, or prove her wrong, so you go fish in all the wrong places, with the wrong gear and the wrong bait. making all kind of silly mistakes.

It's all in your head. You have to clear your mind, shut up your inner pig, and things will fall into place.

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