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Rose Bay 12/6/14


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Long time reader/learner - first time reporter.

Headed down to the ferry wharf with a mate around 8pm to try for some squid and whatever else that was willing to take some bait.

Conditions were perfect, just on high tide, super still and a full moon. Unfortunately things didnt go as planned, had a flick with 3 or 4 different jigs for no takers. Had some rods set out with a bit of squid i caught the other day and not a touch.

Thought we should try around the corner near catalina for a bit of a change. Again super quiet, burleyed some bread roll crust as the tide started to move out and saw some small gars or yellowtail have a look, gave me a bit of hope. Walked up and down the wall trying for squid some more when i saw a fairly decent splash in the burley trail and rushed back over.

A decent silver flash was lurking beneath the bait fish so i thought i'd chuck out a little piece of unweighted bread. Sure enough 2-3 seconds after it hits the water line starts peeling off (8lb mono on my squidding setup) and called it for a good bream - kept going and going and i was starting to think it had some good size to it.

Played cat and mouse for a minute or two until i got it to the wall and saw a thumper trev, didnt have a net so had my mate reach down to try and scoop it with a bucket to no avail, after a super tense minute or so he managed get a handle on it and lift it up.

Came in at 48cm - PB by a good 10cm or so for me.

After that things went quiet so packed up, had a few more flicks at the wharf and managed a cuttle.


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I was the guy on the bride when you got there. You should've gone the other way away from the wharf for the squid, I got a few more littleies round there after I gave up on the Gar's at the wharf.

Cracker Trevally though!

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