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Help With Clifton


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hey guys

i have never fished clifton before

but tomorrow we are going out there at about 10 30 :biggrin2:

what baits work well there, and what rigs should i use to catch bream, whiting and tailor

maybe ill try to get a king too :tease:

where abouts can i get live squid and yakkas?

cheers guys


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Clifton garderns like i say is a place which greatly depends on tides. I have found that it fishes best during a rishing til high tide. I normally stop fishing 2 hours after the tide has peaked.

many people tend to cast their rigs as far as possible. However i have found the results most consistant just below the jetty. Lightly weighted pilchard cubes has taken many fish for me off clifton. Personally berlery has done wonders for me there however u really need to make sure that u dun overfeed the fish. Its really a sight to watch the kingies come in and slurp ur cubes up.or have bonnies zoom in to take the cubes.

This time of the year i dun really expect too many kingies or bonnies. You would probably still be able to get some trevors, tailor and bream. Sometimes salmon actually do come in close. There are yakkas around and i believe that John dory can be caught here too. never tried for them but heard that they have been caught there.

This is a place which i love during summer. Really looking forward to summer once again so that i can get back to clifton to get stretched by the kingies.

hope this helps



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Darryl and I are pretty much permanent residents in Clifton Gardens during summer :biggrin2::biggrin2: Everything he said on his posts is true. Don't be discouraged if you come up with nothing tommorow as sometimes this place can be quite "dead". Watch out for the crowds tommorow, Sunday + Father's Day = BIG CROWD at Cliftons.

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hey guys im going 2morro  :biggrin2:

does anybody else know any tips that will help me catch some fish??

thanks all



I might be going 2moro aswell, just make sure you burley and just drift and unweighted piece of pillie down in your burley trail and you should have some fun with the trevally if they are there.

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grate a potatoe into the water and watch the yakkas and slimies go crazy....i catch them on burger mince....throw one out under a float and you might get an early kingy i hear so much about.....ill be trying for my first when it gets a bit warmer and i cant wait :yahoo: well actually ive been trying for a few weeks now :biggrin2: but ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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well i went and...

i berleyed hard for nothing


not a touch on bass minnows..

1 bite on a squid piece...

thats all :1badmood:

couldnt even see any fish besides a giant leatherjacket which was behind a pole, out of reach :(

not even any yakkas... must be doing sumthing wrong

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well i went and...

i berleyed hard for nothing

:1badmood:  :ranting2:

not a touch on bass minnows..

1 bite on a squid piece...

thats all  :1badmood:

couldnt even see any fish besides a giant leatherjacket which was behind a pole, out of reach  :(

not even any yakkas... must be doing sumthing wrong


oh well better luck next time.....

i caught a big jacket their on peeled prawn :biggrin2:

did you do the grated potatoe trick...................................?


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do u use grated potatos to get ur yakkas?? I normally just get a can of cat food and chuck a spoon full every now and then. Works a treat and you hands dun get smelly. the only problem is the pigeons also want a crack at the cat food. Get the cheapest catfood u can get. Oh yeah pilchard catfood works best. Every now and then throw in a few pilchard cubes to attract the biggies to it. Have fun mate. Dun be disappointed, when clifton is on fire it burns with fury and loads of fun. But when its quiet its pretty quiet with not much to show. Me and mario have gone home empty handed loads of times but we never forget the loads of times we go back with stories to tell and fish in the esky. Hahaha sashimi is best on the jetty itself mate!!! try a fresh yakka raw. I have a bottle of sooya sauce in my bag so me and mario try sashimi for almost everything. Oh a tip- jewie raw taste terrible, bonnies are gd, kingies and squid are fab and garfish are the bomb!!! Have a gd one eh. Just keep trying. You'll catch sometime eventually.

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Mate what time were you there?

i was there today and caught quite alot with my friend all up : 2 trevally (biggest 35cm), 2 huge yakkas, 4 leather jacket including a pretty big fan belly , a few more small yakkas and lost 2 trevally...all using peeled prawns & pillie pieces

Edited by KingsRule
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