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Iron Cove and Canal 04/07


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Headed down to my local canal at about midday to catch bream with bread at the top of the tide. Had absolutely no joy whatsoever, despite the conditions being almost identical to when I fished there a couple of weeks ago and was catching fish after fish. It was a bit weird- the place is normally teeming with life, but it seemed to have gone real quiet today- even the usual nuisance toadies seemed to be thin on the ground. Maybe something to do with the cold weather last night?

Anyways, after a couple of hours I decided to move round into the west side of Iron Cove and try my luck with SPs, it seems to be an ideal practice area- very few snags and quite shallow. I was looking forward to getting a few takes after landing my first fish on an SP last week, but again, there was nothing. I saw a couple of small bream hanging around the oysters, but they weren't interested in my lures. I also saw a small mulloway (at least I think it was), just cruising on its own around the edge of the cove. Looked pretty beat up.

All in all a pretty disappointing day and it makes me want to get out again asap!

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Bad luck

There's always next time

I love that little bay

I fish in it a lot and is normally productive

What lures u using

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Hey man, Yeah any time I've been down that way I've caught something, even if it was only small but today seemed super quiet. I was using gulp 3" minnows in a few different colours as well as Z-mans in motor oil. Conditions were good- sunny with barely any wind. Gulps were on 1/12ths or 1/16ths with flatty retrieve, Zmans on 1/32 with double hop, slow roll and just swimming through the water column.

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Hey man, Yeah any time I've been down that way I've caught something, even if it was only small but today seemed super quiet. I was using gulp 3" minnows in a few different colours as well as Z-mans in motor oil. Conditions were good- sunny with barely any wind. Gulps were on 1/12ths or 1/16ths with flatty retrieve, Zmans on 1/32 with double hop, slow roll and just swimming through the water column.


Try the small squidgy wriggles on a 1/12 with a bit of s-factor

Dynamite on flattys and the small prawn imitations are great for bream

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