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Lake Jindabyne first time trout fisho


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Hi everyone,

I'm heading down to Jindabyne this weekend for a snow trip and when I was there a few weeks ago I was really keen to fish but didn't have any gear with me.

I'm thinking of bringing down a couple rods and hb's. This will be my first time trout fishing and freshwater fishing and I have never fly fished nor do I own any gear for it. Would there be much of a chance of me catching anything off of a light spinning outfit on my first time or should I not bother trying and wait to go with someone more experienced.

Also if anyone thinks its worth a shot any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Jason.

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There's quite a few spots down there and some raiders here provided some great info last year when I went up. We used light spinning gear (usually for bream) and caught a nice trout (only one after trying for quite a while) lol, belying up with corn and using power bait. It was in a place they say the little gold fish school up at dawn and disk, I forget the name but it was a mud path off main road when your leaving jindabyne towards the snow. You can drive down and then fish at waters edge. Highly recommend :)



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Ps best bet is scouting the lake and speaking to all the fisho's who are usually lovely and shre info. The tackle shop provided some Great info to but was a bit pricey, the info worked though so money well spent on the little jars of play dough. Regardless it's a good experience :)

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Hi Jason,

Lived in Jindy for a while and fished there many times over the years. The Lake has been a bit quiet the last few years but is always worth a go. Take a couple of rods you would normally use for bream and some small hooks. Use a running sinker rig with a 30 - 50cm light trace. Grab some live scrub worms and/or power bait from the local tackle shop. Head down to the boat ramp near the Thredbo turn off. You can walk around the rocks there and find a spot to cast. Burley the area with corn kernels and then cast a lightly waited bait out. Sit back, grab a beer and wait for a bite. Hope you catch more than a cold! Best of luck.....


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Definetly a chance. Cast lures from the bank around the snowline caravan park ( opposite thredbo turn off ). Plenty of other bays further around that way. Points and flats. Hatchery Bay, Curiosity Rocks can all be reached by car and worth spinning from the bank. Cant beat Tassie devils from the bank in my opinion plenty of weight to get a good cast and cover plenty of water and awesome trout lure. Gold Wing tassies work well at jindabyne in brown and gold colours and not expensive either.

Good luck. Catch one for me.

Dont get tempted to fish any streams at this time of year as its closed season in trout streams. Your fine to fish any part of the lake.


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Thanks so much for the info guys. I think I'll definitely take a light bream rod down with some power bait and hard bodies and check out the tackle shop for some live worms. Will a 2-4kg rod with 6lb braid and 8lb fluoro leader do the job?

I am well aware about the no fishing in rivers and streams at the moment and am pretty upset about it because fishing in those types of waters is what appeals to me most about freshwater fishing. But I completely understand that these laws are in place for the good of the fish and will respect those 100%. One thing I couldn't find info on though was whether or not I am allowed to keep fish caught in lakes and dams during the closed season? Being on holidays I doubt I would anyways but in case someone feels up to cleaning and cooking or even taking some home I might if it is legal.

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Hi mate, I've never fished lake jindabyneso can't offer advice about it. Spent quite a number of days fishing lakes but am yet to catch a fish from one. I've found streams much more rewarding. Doesn't stop me from still trying to catch in lakes though.

Your bream setup sounds good for what you want to do. I normally use 6lb fc leader but can't see 8lb making much difference.

It's only the streams that are closed this time of year. The lake is general fishing meaning you have a bag limit of 5 fish and size limit of 25cm. See http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/202351/NSW-FWG.pdf

If you can take two rods and set one up for bait and one for lures. You are allowed to fish with 2 rods in freshwater in NSW.

Good luck!

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Awesome thanks heaps!

I can always go buy some 6lb fluoro I do use it just am out at the moment. I think I'll bring up one rod and the others guys can bring up their own and I'll just use the opposite of what they use, in terms of bait or lure. They all have similar setups to mine.

If I catch anything I'll be sure to take some pictures and post them up here, especially if they're of a good size.

I think once the season opens back up I'm going to have to find some streams closer to Sydney to hit. I've been watching heaps of youtube videos and it is safe to say I'm already hooked and I haven't even tried it yet :thumbup:

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Mate once you start it's addictive and if you canister the fly twice as fun! If you have a look at the eucumbene post in the freshwater reports I did you will see what the rewards are! Plenty of streams around the central west and mountains! Plenty of guys on here that will point you the right way!

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I also forgot to mention when your on the lake move slowly and watch for cruising browns on a beat work out what they are doing and then on the next pass either have a floating hardbody out ready to twitch or present the lure just as the fish passes and hope it notices and turns on it! It will be trial and error also stay back from the waters edge try to keep a rod length back to avoid spooking keep your shadow if possible off the water and use trees and hills to camouflage your profile against the horizon! It all helps whe stalking lake margins! Best of luck!

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Thanks luderick angler. There's so much info there I'm bound to catch something :) and don't worry dave I bought two Tassie devils today. One with gold wings and one brown and gold with clear wings so fingers crossed

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know how adventurous you are, but I had a great time camping and fishing the Coxs River in the Blue Mountains National Park. Apparently everything upstream of the junction with Little River has seasonal restrictions, but below that is open season (might want to double check that with DPI).

We parked our cars at the end of Megalong Valley Road (turn off near Blackheath) and walked in to the lower reaches of the river, about a 7 hour hike. Was a hard walk carrying everything for a weeks fishing and camping but definitely worth it! There are little in the way of walking tracks that far down, so most days we bush bashed our way up or down river to fish. It was VERY cold in July, but dining on fresh trout every day and enjoying the magnificent scenery easily made up for any discomfort :) Not sure what the fishing would be like in the warmer months, being a cold water fish I'd image they migrate to the dam and go deep for the colder water, but maybe someone knows better?

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