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A few more Blackfish and ......


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I met up with fellow raiders Dan and Trevor for another crack off a

wharf around Balmain.

There was another group already fishing so we had to take

a secondary spot.

We got the berley going and I soon got a down and pulled

the hook on a nice fish. Then Dan hooked a good one and

expertly played him out and into the net.

The other group moved on so we switched spots. Then

Trevor pulled out a fish around 40 cm. Then it was my

turn for a fish that went mid 30s

It was a bit slow between bites. We managed one more

when Dan spotted the Barra just cruising the surface

I grabbed the net and scooped him up



He was around 45cm

With 4 Blackfish and one Barra it was pretty good day.


Thanks guys Im learning heaps and got a good feed.



Edited by Ryder
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Guest hawkesbass

It was a tough day and i heard from others they struggled too.

All males landed spitting out milt so i think ill give them a break for a while my opinion only i think the blackfish are more interested in spawning at the moment.

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Guest hawkesbass

Well you did well boys and got around to the fish

If they let the barra go in summer they might be in a bit better condition

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Water temp in winter is too cold for barra in sydney.

He wont survive till the i dont think.

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I was fishing around pyrmont on sunday and im pretty sure i saw a barra swim past

There have been heaps at the moment

Don't know why in winter but if it was summer they would probably survive for a bit longer

Wonder if they would ever take a lure though

Were do the barra get released

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Royce is right, I have heard of this before also. There are a bunch of dull minded individuals who think it is a good idea to release Barramundi into the harbour thinking they are setting them free however all they manage to do is put them to death in the most inhumane way possible... By slowly killing them with colder water than they can tolerate. At least if they were eaten their deaths would have been quick and for a purpose.

Edited by Trout Stalker
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Very cruel

The only problem like trout stalker said, what would eat them

The only way they would die is slowly and painful in our cold waters

If any of us were witnesses of a barra being released, what would each of us do

Tell them to stop

Call fisheries

Any other options

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If you look at dpi regs it's illegal you need a permit and there's the possibility those fish may have diseases being farm stock that can get into our fishery! A classic example is in trout fisheries what is referred to as whirling disease! Best to notify fisheries guys if you see releases!

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If you look at dpi regs it's illegal you need a permit and there's the possibility those fish may have diseases being farm stock that can get into our fishery! A classic example is in trout fisheries what is referred to as whirling disease! Best to notify fisheries guys if you see releases!


That's what I was thinking

Hopefully nothing effects our waterways

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We are witnessing an environmental disaster. Yes, report sightings or catches of barramundi to the Dept of Primary Industries.

Releasing this species in our waters is just plain ignorant. Hopefully the DPI will set these people straight (or fine them), believed to be Buddhists practising 'Tsethar'.

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