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Choosing the right braid for the right gear


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Hey Guys,

Im sure this has been a debate for some time however I have a T Curve Deep Water Jig Spin 400 which ill be teaming up with potentially a saragossa 20000 or 25000 for jigging, spinning poppering & stickbaiting.

This is a 37kg rod and ill be going for the bigger fish such as tuna, kings etc...

Now I currently have a pflueger crank 8000 spooled with 80lb braid however it appears the braid is took thick and am getting some wind knots could be because the lures being cast are relatively light.

Do you guys think spooling with 50 or 60 lb will suffice?

I just think 80lb is an overkill.

Your thoughts and experience will be appreciated!



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Depends if you want to run the rod at the maximum it can handle.

If your happy to spend good coin there are alot of braids available now around 37kg that are as thin as cheaper 24kg lines.

37kg is not over kill for big kings in shallow water or close to structures in my opinion. In fact i think its necessary.

I like to have 2 rods on the boat, a 24kg and a 37kg.

mainly use the 24kg as its more fun on the average kings etc.

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