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Kedumba River


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G'day Phil

I haven't been down in that area since July 03 mainly because of the drought. :thumbdown:

Last time I went I was fishing from the Breakfast Creek junction to Kanangra Creek over 4 days. It was to be longer but the lack of fish made us return early. :thumbdown:

We usually start the trek at Carlons farm and down Packsaddlers then follow Breakfast Creek till we get to the Coxs River.

Then after a change of clothes and waders and throwing excess gear into the scrub to collect on the way back, it's off and on our way downstream.

No decent fish were caught on my last trip till we got past Kanangra Creek. All the fish caught were Rainbow Trout except for one brown.

Camping is always enjoyable down there, the peace and quiet is priceless and laying back watching sattelites go over is intriguing to say the least.

Since my last trip there hasn't been a substantial flow of water and I doubt there would be too many fish making there way out of Warragamba either.....I may be wrong though. :wacko:

Due to my hockey injuries, bad back and knees, I doubt I will see that part of the world again although if I can scratch up the cash for a chopper flight in to the joint I will most definately go again. :biggrin2:

Here's a pic or two of some fish I caught at the Kanangra Ck/Coxs River junction, not all that big but still enjoyable to catch. :biggrin2:





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Good stuff, is it actually leegal to camp down there i thought that there were rangers down there because it is waterboard land?


You can camp just about anywhere just so long as it's not within the Warragamba exclusion zone. It's always good to check with NPWS.

As for the water board land, I think you will find that you can wonder around and camp as most of my family members and rellies have done over the years. Get in touch with the Water Board and ask the question and if you do your homework properly you might be able to catch a ride down to the farm. :1naughty: Mind you, I'd rather catch a ride back.

I've never bothered to camp there myself because my parents lived along Tablelands Road and had a comfy spare room and bed instead. :biggrin2:

You can fish Kedumba which runs behind the farm and starts at a junction of the water from Leura Falls and Wentworth Falls. There is also the chance of getting a trout at the base of Wenty Falls, which my brother has done in the past and is accessable (I'm pretty sure) via the "Giant Stair Case".

From memory, the water from Wentworth Falls lake runs over the falls.

You can access the farm via the main gate which is down near QV but you aren't allowed to drive down. It's pushbike or one foot in front of the other.

There are different stories doing the rounds as to what the water board are going to do with the old farm. One was to raise Warragamba and flood Kedumba but I believe it is now going to be given back to the "public" and regenerated. The land is no good for flooding because of one last remaining privately owned piece of land that the owners won't sell.

Kedumba was originally bought from Cleary Bros by the water board after Cleary's wanted to subdivide the land through Wollondilly council. When the Water Board found out it was a case of "no way we will buy it off you".

Anyway, good luck with your ventures and if anything, just check with the local authorities etc for more info.

And you don't get down there to trout, at least get down in to some of the closer valleys and get yourself a feed of freshwater yabbies. They make a good feed. :thumbup:

PS, I hope everything I've written is right, I'm only going off what I can remember from my past knowledge and experiences. :wacko:

It's a great part of the world to explore so get out there and give it a go. :yahoo:



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