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Botany Bay 08/09/05


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Fished with Fishraider member Brett “AKA” Tunofun out of my center console I was to show Brett the finer points of flatty fishing with SP’s and naturally the flathead refused to co-operate :biggrin2: and didn’t turn a scale on the flatty front even though we spun Bonner point and surrounds to foam :05: , but on a slightly brighter note the blurters are still on at Molineaux point but not in the same numbers as previous weeks. Spoke to Scotty Lyons he said that he had trolled up some salmon and a lone Bonito today outside :thumbup: . After pulling the boat out at the port botany ramp at around 12.30pm fish started blowing up in the bay about half way between the runway and the ramp and the splashers were fairly large so we relaunched the boat and went charging over to have a go at them only to have them sound before we got there and disappear we trolled around for a while but they seemed to have gone. :( such is fishing :074:

Brett with 1 of the bluters we got at molineaux point


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