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Narrabeen - blowing a gale


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Ducked out to Narrabeen to catch the high tide on dark. I know the weather had it blowing 25kts but when I checked the app it was only reporting 7kts. The original forecast was right, it was blowing but not that bad when I got there at 5pm. A lot of kite surfers about taking advantage of the wind.

Couldn't pick an obvious gutter but found some darker water that looked like a hole so setup there. Not long after setting up I managed to snag a wind surfer who came in straight through my line. He almost took off with it then untangled himself. He came over to give me a word, but as he did I realized it was a guy I worked with a few years back. Small world.

My surf rod was setup with salted pillies but got no interest in it. My light rod had a twin hook patternoster with a prawn and some worm on it. A few casts in I had a 38cm flathead landed which was my only take for the session.

About that time the wind went nuts and just howled. Between my two lines and a large kelp plant I got an almighty tangle, which got impossible to undo as the wind kept whipping the line around on me. I ended up cutting the heavier rig out and leaving the lighter one to untangle at home.

Fished up to 8:30 and even though the wind backed off conditions were pretty miserable. Had nothing hitting the pillies I was offering so called it a night and saved the bait for next time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I am an hour from a beach whichever way I go, so going north or south or east doesn't make much difference.

The wind got pretty crazy right on nightfall so not the best time to be out, but why waste a free public holiday afternoon on wishing I could be out :)

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At least you got a flattie and caught up with an old colleague. Haha

I know the feeling, You check the weather, make the drive down, only to see its blowing hard.

That's why I started using the surfcams, if you see kites or wind surfers its not on.

North narrabeen doesn't have a camera but any of them can give you an idea before you set out.

Bring on summer, you get thet typical nor'easter in the afternoon, and it drops off after dark, perfect!

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I didn't think to check the surfcam, when I got out of the car I realised I should have.

The other part of the trip I also got to test out some new rigs I made up that worked a treat - put a snap swivel on to connect my star sinker and it stopped the line twisting about so much on retrieve, spent a lot less time untwisting it from the hook line. All the little lessons, adding up.

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