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kings 2 me 0


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Just realised king are like grand finals, you have to loose one b4 you win one,

cracker morning post-19517-0-75057200-1414207691_thumb.jpg

Had a massive school bust up at first light this morning around lovit bay, Kings spraying tiny whitebait everywhere,

threw every plastic, metal hardbody at them for nada. Then I grabbed my 2kg out fit with 8 lb braid on it, wacked a blood worm

wriggler at them and after the 50th cast bang, I now no what its like to have a king on the line after chasing them for so long.

This thing didn't no it was hooked till I started putting a bit more pressure on it then it was on, no stopping it on this line, I was

almost spooled and had to put a bit more pressure on and bang, pulled the hook, KILLA.

Kept throwing slugs for nada, So I put out my old trusty snapper combo with a poor mans down rigger and a squid strip.

paddled around the school and after 10 min the thing buckels over and im on. But this feels massive and heading for the

morings. I lock it up and SNAPPPPPPP goes old faitfull and the fish. post-19517-0-02277600-1414207410_thumb.jpg

Well its time for a new outfit , ive pulled in 4kg snapper on that in Melbourne but the king destroyed it. Ah well ill head out

tomorrow for another crack,

Anyone no of a good lure or plastic to use in this situation.


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Bad luck buddy.

Looks like you had a quality fish on there.

I reckon you are spot on...many anglers can't wait to hook their first kingie but soon realise that hooking and landing are two different things

with this heartbreaker of a fish.

Cheers and good luck with your new rod.



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Unlucky man and sorry to hear about the rod. Had a similar experience yesterday- unfortunately busted tackle and broken knots seems to be par for the course with kingies. Hats off to those folk who do manage to catch them. Sure you'll get one again soon.

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Unlucky man and sorry to hear about the rod. Had a similar experience yesterday- unfortunately busted tackle and broken knots seems to be par for the course with kingies. Hats off to those folk who do manage to catch them. Sure you'll get one again soon.

ahh the broken knots is they key to these buggers mate. when i first started fishing for them i lost 2 or 3 absolute brutes to knots between braid and mono. there is a lot of opinions on connection knots and i just had to keep trying different methods until i found one that worked. i now use a doubled braid (bimini) to reverse albright and i can tow a small boat with it when tied properly.

In my opinion there are two methods to catch good kingfish. Ultra light and mobile (so use lighter gear and stay extremely mobile in your boat to manouvere quickly and get in front of the fish.) this is good for top water fish. The other method is my Stella 20000 locked up from the get go, a broomstick and a whole lot of strain on the back. with 100lb gear. and even still a number win their freedom.

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Hey Mate

Having done the dance with Pitty kings for a while (grew up Towlers Bay) I found the best ways to pin them when they are on tiny bait is.

  1. Use a small fry with strong hook unweighted and drag it over school with long scope from boat to not scare fish ( wind assist or drift is better)
  2. Tie a fly or tail end of flick bait to small surface lure use at least 1m of line behind lure. Also don't use the eyes on the lure to tie to as kings will blow them ! out run your main line throw the tie eye at front and out the back. You can just sticky tape or loop knot the main line to the front as it only has to tow micro plastic/ fly at the back and cast. You can use this technique with a metal slug as well if you take the back treble off but if they are eating micro bait this will just scare them.
  3. Get white bait and cast out unweighted with strongest hook you can hide in it into bust up. works ok if they are frothing.

Best of luck

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sounds like an awesome session, maybe try the softly softly approach on kings, keep winding without viscous pumping, make it smooth and constant so the fish feels no change in pressure , then when you feel the king load up and is about to run, give them a little, drop the rod tip slowish to reduce the pressure on the fish and they 'usually' settle down without running, then keep going on a smooth and constant wind .., once they get to the boat rip it into them and they will take a big run, but usually wont make the bottom - do that two or three times and a fish in the boat is usually the result ... its hard to do it when your first instinct is to meet force with force, but t works, well i should qualify that....it works on spaghetti strength fly rods anyhow

just an idea but might just work



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Just gotta tell you guys . . . . I love this chatter. Awesome fishos

Why am I reading all this ? Cause I'm going to flick for a few kings in the morn.

Found some really FRESH Calamari this arvo, guess where ? nah! you'll never guess . . . .

Harris Farm Markets Mona Vale. No it's not live but in good nick.

So I'll try a few strips around the wrecks and see what come up.

Report following . . . . . . . Chz Cocka

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