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Sydney Harbour Secrets


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you could always try clifton gardens, theres a huge wharf there and its a great place to fish....i hear it goes off in the summer but also gets very crowded from the early hours :ranting2:

maianbar is also a good place to fish, you can fish the flats for flatties on nippers that are under your feet :1yikes: their everywhere so take a pump or walk over to the beach on a low tide for a whiting or 2 :biggrin2: nippers again, just make sure you dont get caught out there when the tide comes up because its a shit of a walk :ranting2: and wading through waist deep water fully loaded in the winter is soooooo much fun :thumbdown:


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I give you a quick few places to fish..

1. bantry bay from the shore. There's a bush track which leads down there from Seaforth oval (just befor Wakehurst parkway). Fish from the 100metres or so of shoreline and you will be sweet with flatty's, bream in particular on plastics, flounder occassionally, and john dory on live yellowtails (rigged under a float is the best option).

2. If you go to the spit bridge, go on the manly/northern side and walk down a track on the eastern/southern side. On the track there will be several detouring tracks which will lead to handy spots. I usually take the first side path on the right but they all lead to good areas where I have caught various fish. Also there is a good yabby bay at low and high tide and plenty of squid to catch (if your a clamari fan) (thanks to the weed and kelp beds).

3. Middle head is an amazing spot, no one goes there its beautiful and extensive and has heaps (and I mean heaps) of fish.. I fish the northern side. To get down there go to the fort at the end of the head land and you will see various paths to follow, take the end two (preferably the 1st which goes through some bush then onto a chain down to te spot. This is an extremely successful spot with schools of luderic (black fish) and drummer roaming the ledges, schools of kingfish (when in season darting after schools of gar), groper by the buckets and crazy bream when on the chew. All the luderic and drummer are kilo plus and fight hard so bring a long rod (beach rod or heavy fly rod with egg beater attached). An average 2 hour session can result in 9 + fish and the action is on the edge stuff. Also you can do some casting with metals and catch tailor, bonito and sambos to name a few. Also a couple of seals own the spot so they cruise by every now and then. However, the cliff to get down is not too bad as long as your very careful and take someone else. My best friend that I've been fishing with for 10 years and I went fishing there on July the 3rd and he slipped in a freak accident at the top and fell down a gutter and died. His name was Martin Jennings and wa a keen member of this site to see what was going on. Me and Mart had been to the same spot hundreds of times befor for years. So just remember, anything can happen so be extremely cautious. However don't be detered by this, it was a freak accident and I want others to enjoy the spot as much as me and mart did. The best bait is provided for you and is cabbage weed off the barnicles on the ledge (easy access at low tide and cungi which is every where on the rocks (but can be stubborn in getting off). Use this bait under a small float (chanmpaign cork or wine cork) and leave a metre or so of line and put a small (size 4 or 6) longshank on the end and place the bait on that. (Luderic are best caught with the cabbage weed).

4. There is also a spot down the south/east end of balmoral beach. You have to crawl through a fence (with a hole in it) and then can fish from the scout ramp of the rocks. This was an AMAZING squid spot once but is still good (I accidently overfished it, my bad). Flathead here are crazy, big, strong and plentiful with a gaped hook (or anything else) and a reasonable cast you will be sweet.

Soo there you go, a couple of handy spots, if ya ever need more around sydney just give us a bell. cyas

oh and by the way, I'm Phil Martin and :1welcomeani:

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