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Whiting rising


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This arvo I went down to the sand flats in Port Hacking river and around 6pm the wind dropped off a bit. There was an insect hatch and whiting started rising and picking them off the surface.

Is this common for whiting? I haven't heard of it before. It was great to watch and made me wish I had my fly rod with me. I wonder if how picky they would be with flies. I think that most of the rising whiting were small, but I did see some good ones in there including a 40cm model that came around behind me.

It also made me wonder if they are looking up and taking insects off the top, then would it be a good time to use poppers. Unfortunately I only realised when I was out there that my poppers were at home so couldn't give them a go. It's a goal of mine to get one on popper this summer, and then one on popper on the fly rod. Should be fun.

Some pics of the insects





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Interesting considering Whiting have a bottom feeders mouth making it hard for the to hit the surface like say a Tailor... good post!

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Cheers guys. Even though I only hooked one fish yesterday (around 25cm and dropped it at my feet) it was still a great afternoon. I learnt a few things for next time.

I didn't know they would go for minnows, thanks blood knot I'll give that a go next time.

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Some nice fish there blood knot.

I went down again yesterday afternoon with some poppers and flicked around. It was pretty slow. Got one fish that was lucky to be 20cm. Decided to wade back to shore and pull it along to get a photo but halfway there the hook pulled.

Had another hit later but no hook up. Maybe to early or could have been weather/tide conditions.



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Yep - struggled to pin a fish on topwater lures this morning - tide not great and a barometer a bit low + water could be a bit warmer is my excuse LOL. Picked up 3 on blades so the buggers were around - maybe should have been using a darker colour popper to standout against this morning's dull sky.

Cheers Blood Knot

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